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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 279

"Uncle Richards, you have to believe me. I never had any ulterior motives. Besides, Hansen and I have gotten a divorce. I would never disgrace the family again. Soon, I will leave A City forever and you don't need to be concerned about me anymore. Please wake up soon so that I can leave in peace. I admit that I joined Richards Group for my father's sake but you can't blame me for that. He is my beloved dad and it was a miserable death. I cannot just sit back and do nothing," Jenna said in exasperation as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Three years ago when she regained consciousness unexpectedly, she saw that Trevor had fainted in the room. She was completely startled as many people dashed into the room.

However, the day before he fainted, Jenna met him at Green Jade Garden. He was practicing martial arts with his subordinates. She greeted him tentatively upon seeing him.

To her surprise, Trevor glanced in her direction and said lightly, "Jenna, after breakfast tomorrow, meet me in my study on the third floor."

Jenna was caught off guard as Trevor had always disregarded her ever since she married Hansen. It was the first time he spoke to her. Jenna was thrilled.

She agreed immediately. She caught a glimpse of the concern in his eyes. For the first time since she married Hansen, he seemed to trust her from the bottom of his heart. Jenna was dumbfounded.

Trevor had never looked at her in this manner. Did he trust her? It seemed impossible.

Nevertheless, she truly felt his trust in her that day. It made her on cloud nine.

To her dismay, before she could see him the next day, something dreadful happened and she was forced to escape to another country.

Therefore, Jenna always felt that she owed him. She wanted to repay him so that she could finally leave in peace.

After a while, Jenna wiped away her tears and touched her lower abdomen. She stood up, called Nelson and Haward, and said with utmost sincerity, "Nelson, Haward, thank you for taking care of Trevor all this while. I still need your help and I will increase your salary. I won't be able to come over for the next few days but if anything happens, please call me. Please ensure his safety. Don't let anyone lay a finger on him."

Nelson and Haward had worked in Richards Manor for a while and they understood the truth. They were fully aware of Jenna's predicament. They were truly touched by her actions. Really, the media couldn't be trusted. They respected Jenna from the bottom of their hearts.

"Don't worry, Miss Murphy. We will do our best." The two of them agreed without hesitation.

Jenna heaved a sigh of relief and left.

"Jenna, where are you? Hurry back to Richards Manor." As soon as Jenna walked out of the ward, her phone rang. It was Sabrina and she seemed to be on pins and needles.

Jenna's heart sank and she asked quickly, "Sabrina, what's the matter?"

"Jenna, I think someone wants to hurt Grandma. I'm so frightened," she said in a quivering voice.

"Really?" Jenna was taken aback and inquired, "How did you know?"

"Jenna, I have been working at Ink Garden these few days. Last night, I was busy preparing the events for the New Year's banquet. When I left the office room, I caught a glimpse of a figure leaving Grandma's bedroom. It was a man! I was so shocked and before I could demand who he was, he was gone. It was terrifying!" Sabrina struggled to control her quivering.

A cold fear clutched at Jenna's throat and she asked, "Where was Meroy?"

"Meroy was not there at the time, neither were the servants. Only Grandma and I were in the building. Besides, I returned suddenly to do some work. The person probably didn't expect me to be there," Sabrina explained. Her jaw was trembling in fear, making it hard for her to speak.

"Where was Meroy then? She seldom leaves Grandma alone." Jenna knew that it was rare to see a man entering Ink Garden, let alone Vivian's room. Something was definitely amiss and she thought of Meroy.

"As soon as that man left, Meroy returned. I asked her where she had been. It turned out she had gone to Emerald Garden to deliver something to Uncle Richards under Grandma's instruction. Meroy panicked and dashed into the room to check on Grandma but luckily, she was all right. She was just fast asleep," Sabrina explained.

Claude? Was he back?

Jenna pondered upon the matter. Claude had been busy managing an investment project in Africa for the past two years. It was said to be very successful and he seldom came back. Did he return because it was near New Year's Eve?

The intruder obviously had a plan, seeing that he entered the room when nobody else was around. His motives remained unknown but at least his goal didn't seem to be murdering Vivian for the time being. At least, Vivian was not hurt. Jenna heaved a sigh of relief and comforted Sabrina, "Don't worry, Sabrina. It was probably a thief. It's near New Year Eve and the thief might be short on money. This has happened before. Don't worry, Grandma will be fine."


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