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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 288

The moment she appeared to be confused, Sophia explained, "That night, Aunt Ella from the Green Jade Garden dropped by all of a sudden to claim some money. It was already very late then, but it was an order that the Ink Garden's kitchen received from Young Master Richards, requesting for all the most delicious food to be sent to the hospital immediately. We didn't dare delay his order, so the entire kitchen started getting busy. We made many scrumptious dishes and quickly followed Aunt Ella to send them to the hospital. At first, Young Master Richards said that we were to make dishes like this every day, but the next day he called and said we didn't have to do it anymore. You'll have to ask Young Master Richards for more details. I don't know how to explain anymore."

Sophia was worried that Jenna wouldn't understand and would reject signing the application. Technically speaking, that meal was prepared at a moment's notice, and the money was used very haphazardly, so Sophia tried her best to give an explanation for it.

With a pen in her hand, Jenna's hand began to tremble as her heart started to ache.

It turned out that the food he had ordered to be sent to her ward that night was worth tens of thousands of dollars, and she only took a few sips of the soup.

It seems that this young master will never know how it feels to be poor. Only a rich man would be able to spend like this. If he had known that she was pregnant with his child, she would probably be pampered like a princess.

She lowered her head and signed the document quietly, feeling a little down.

After the housekeeper left, Meroy walked in.

"Meroy." Jenna lifted her head up to look at Meroy, who had a kind face. She said with a bright smile on her face, "Is Grandma doing alright these days?"

She placed down the things she was holding as she stood up, looking very worried.

"She's doing well." Meroy looked at Jenna and sighed, then said with red eyes, "Young Madam, that woman got away with it in the end. It must be tough for you."

Jenna was a little startled, and she completely understood what Meroy was talking about. She smiled and said, "Meroy, tomorrow is New Year's Eve, let's not talk about these negative things anymore. This is our fate. We can't force anything."

"I guess that's true. She does have a wealthy family background, and her father is about to become the mayor of the city too. We still respect you a lot. We sincerely hope that you can stay here and manage the household affairs, so that our lives could be easier,” Aunt Ella said with a sigh and a sad face.

"Aunt Ella, everyone has their own life. We have to move on," Jenna said in a low voice as her head hung low.

"By the way, young madam, I realized that Julian has changed these days. She has become very mysterious, and we no longer have control over her. I've heard that she was going to be promoted as the Green Jade Garden butler soon," Aunt Ella said as if she suddenly remembered something.

Promoted to butler? Jenna frowned and asked, "Who's idea was it to promote her to butler? How come I wasn't informed of it?” Jenna thought to herself.

"I heard it from someone else too. They' re saying that these are orders from Marissa, so it's normal that you didn't know." Meroy answered sadly, "Grandma doesn’t really care about these matters now. She wouldn’t be able to interfere with your matters too, with your current situation. Nowadays, Richards Manor is crawling with Aria's friends and minions. Her friend Minnie is being very arrogant about it, as she's supposed to represent Aria in many circumstances. Even though Aria is staying in the hospital, she still has a lot of power in the manor. Even our madam is pampering her, and doing whatever she says."

Jenna quickly understood what she was trying to say. It was going to be very difficult for her to stay in Richards Manor with her current situation.

She couldn't help but to smile and said, "It doesn't matter, she is the young madam of the Richards family, so of course everyone has to listen to her."

"Hey, you're probably the only one who could think this way." Looking at Jenna's calm expression, she could only smile helplessly.

In the afternoon, guests from faraway began to arrive one after another. Sabrina and Jenna were divided into two groups to welcome guests and deal with various matters.

They remained busy for the whole day and were finally settled with their jobs at night. Richards Manor hadn’t celebrated with so much cheer and happiness in the past few years. Under the bright lights and pretty decorations, the charm of the old garden became more apparent.

By the time Jenna walked out of the Ink

Garden office, it was already dark outside.

Along the hallway were pots of orchid plants that looked beautiful and had a fragrant scent. She stood at the corner and reached out to touch a lilac orchid. She felt glum, and her dark eyes stared into the darkness far away. She knew that she no longer belonged here, and that the chances that she would get to look at the scenery here would only get slimmer.

Her guest room was in a villa next to Ink Garden, all the guests were arranged to stay there. She picked a quiet and dark room, which was near Grandma Vivian's room and the office as well.

Standing in front of the window, she glanced at Vivian's bedroom, as thoughts danced around in her mind.

The night was very cold and dark. Gradually, she started to feel tired and sleepy.

A dark figure slowly approached Vivian's bedroom in the Ink Garden.

Jenna's eyes widened all of a sudden, and her heart began to beat like a drum.

It was just like what she had expected.

That person really showed up again.

Looking at the figure, it was obvious that it was a man.

She had purposely given them a chance that night, and surely enough, they took action as soon as they heard the news.

But who was that man? What was he trying to do? Was he here for the Star of the Ocean?

Jenna turned around and quickly walked outside.


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