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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 311

"Aunt Ella, where's your Young Madam?" Hansen roared.

Aunt Ella ran up to him nervously, and said softly, "Young Master, Young Madam had already left."

"What? She left? Who allowed her to leave?" Hansen was shocked upon hearing that. His furious expression was frightening.

"This..." Aunt Ella didn't know what to do. She advised softly with a low voice, "Young Master, you're going to marry Aria soon. I can't bear seeing her being stuck here. It's too painful for her."

Aunt Ella said with tears in her eyes.

"Nonsense, This is absurd." Hansen was so angry that he shouted. All of a sudden, a thought flashed across his mind, and his face turned pale. He remembered Alvin's words.

Jonas was going to harm Rayan, and she had definitely gone to look for him.

Before she got into his car the night before, he heard her say that she would go and look for him the next day.

She was in danger.

He sped out of the room immediately.

As he ran, he dialled a number on his phone.

"Hello, the number you have called is not available." The cold sound blared from the speaker of the phone, and Hansen was like a cat on a hot tin roof.

"Alvin, order the Grand Eagles to search for Jenna and Rayan's whereabouts in the whole city. Send them to me once they find them. Ensure that they're safe. There must be no accidents." Hansen gave Alvin the orders without further ado.

The minute Alvin received his instructions, he took action right away.

"Hansen, Hansen." Just as Hansen finished speaking, he bumped into Aria, whose eyes were filled with tears.

"Hansen, something happened to my father. Please save him." Aria's eyes lit up the moment she saw him, and she quickly leaped into his embrace.

Hansen blocked her with his arm and gave her a cold glare.

"Your father had committed a crime. It's against the law. I cannot do anything about it. I believe that everything will be judged fairly. They won't misjudge someone who's innocent. Wait for the results yourself," he

said coldly, pushing her hands away. He was ready to leave.

"Hansen, no." Aria caught up to him and hugged his waist tightly, crying, "Please Hansen, I'm begging you. Please save my father. He's a good man."

"Let go of me." Hansen yelled at her with an expression full of rage. He was very worried about Jenna, and he was already very impatient with Aria.

Aria was startled by his yells, and looked at him in a daze as she let go of him.

"The law will not let anyone get away with their crimes, no matter what you did and how well you concealed it. You will suffer the consequences eventually." Hansen leaned close to her with his bloodshot eyes, and said fiercely, "You'd better not think that I don't know about what you've done in the past. I'm warning you. Jordan will get all the information he needs after the interrogation. You'd better wait for his interrogation here. Remember, I will never let anyone with no morals escape justice, and the law won't either."

After that, he turned around resolutely and ran outside.

"Mr. Richards, I saw Rayan's car exit from the entrance of the hospital. He's on the way to the Cloud Community." Alvin sent him the information without any delay.

"Alright. Follow them this instant. I'm on my way." Hansen instructed.

"Jen, have you really decided to leave?" Rayan asked with a deep voice as he drove.

"Yes, I'm leaving A City soon, leaving this place forever." Jenna's voice was low, and she looked at the chaotic world outside.

She didn't want to see Hansen and Aria get married, as she would be terribly heartbroken. She didn't want to stay in the city because she would think about him every time she saw something that was related to him as well. The Richards Group was everywhere in that city. She would never be able to live in peace.

Leaving the city was her only choice.

As for the right to inheritance letter over Richards Manor, she planned to mail it back to Richards Manor on the eighth, once she arrived in another city. She didn't want to have anything to do with Richards Manor anymore. It was about time she left.

Rayan was silent. The hand he was grabbing the steering wheel with started to sweat.

"Jen, regarding the question I asked you that day, can you give me an answer?" He had hope in his eyes, and was nervous in his heart.

"Rayan, you should focus on driving first. I'll give you the answer later." Jenna was worried that her decision would affect his driving, and thought that it wasn't the right time to talk about it.

Rayan let out a sigh of relief, and the corners of his mouth curved into a slight smile. He suddenly felt that his hand on the steering wheel was a little slippery, and realized that he was so nervous that his palms were sweaty.

He gave himself a self-deprecating laugh, and never said another word.

His car sped towards his villa.

The heavy iron gate opened.

The housekeeper ran out to greet him.

Rayan got out of the car and handed his car keys over to the housekeeper.

The sky was still gloomy, and the cold wind blew from different directions. Jenna cast a glance at the surroundings, and smiled bitterly, seeing that the large green leaves had withered in the cold wind.

"Rayan, no matter how well you take care of the green plants, they're just not meant to withstand the cold weather. Evidently, when you force things that are not meant to be, the results will not be good," she said lightly, and sighed as she pushed her messy hair aside.

Rayan felt empty.

"Jen, are hinting at me?" He asked sorrowfully.

He remembered their conversation in the car, and his confession that day. He was so straightforward, yet her answer was unclear. Now, he was even more worried. He didn't know what she was thinking. Upon hearing her words, he pondered quietly as if he had thought of something.


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