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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 348

Jenna went to the room to search for Jerry's clothes and picked up a few sets. Just in case Hansen disliked his son wearing such poor clothes. She then took out her daily necessities and put them in bags. She remembered what Hansen had said to her before she left and looked very anxious. When she came out again, Sara had already stood up.

"Mom, I'll help you to bed," Jenna said softly. "Jerry is suffering from pneumonia, so he'll probably have to stay in the hospital for a few days."

Sara held her hand and spoke with a serious face, "Jenna, were you with Hansen last night?"

For such a long time, it was the first time that Jenna hadn't come home at night. That night, she didn't dare close her eyes. In Wullen Town, there's no one she knew, so she was worried about her safety.

However, that day, when Hansen came back with her, she suddenly understood everything.

"Yes, Mom." Jenna dared not to look into Sara's eyes, so she lowered her head and answered in a low voice.

"What is he doing here? Did he come for you? Or did he have other purposes?" The smile on Sara's face was gone and her voice became stern.

Jenna was a little scared. She didn't know if Hansen had come here for her or if he had some other purpose. She wanted to have a talk with him the day before, but Jerry's sudden illness had interrupted her. So, she really couldn't explain everything.

"Jenna, what's your plan? Go back with him? Or let him take Jerry away?" Sara's eyes were more serious than ever and her voice was a little cold.

"Mom..." Jenna didn't know how to answer her. She looked up at her mother's serious face. The sorrow in the depths of her eyes could not be concealed and her heart was slightly bitter. After a while, she looked up and whispered, "Mom, he is not married."

This was the information she got when she searched for his name on the internet, that he was not married.

"Of course he's not married." Sara had a calm expression on her face and a look of understanding in her eyes.

"Mother, you knew?" Jenna raised her head in surprise.

Sara's face darkened and she said in a flat, monotone voice.

"Given his current status, there's only one explanation for him to appear so openly in front of you and Jerry. That is, he's not married and has no worries. Otherwise, you and Jerry would be his scandal and his stain. No matter how much he loves you, he'll have to pay attention to his image and wouldn't dare to offend his wife at home."

This sentence made Jenna's heart surge with a trace of excitement. "Mom, if it's really like this then that means he loves me sincerely and wants to take me back, right?"

"So, you want to go back with him to be a wealthy housewife?" Sara asked sharply without any hesitation rather than answering her question.

Jenna was stunned for a moment. The starlight in her heart was extinguished in an instant. She looked at Sara and couldn't speak.

Sara watched her daughter's every move as if she could see through Jenna. Her hands, which were holding onto the crutches, were trembling.

Jenna wanted to help her sit down, but she wanted to stand there, as if she were showing some sort of determination. She was

adamant and would not allow anyone to violate her.

"Jenna, you must listen to me this time. This matter cannot be rushed. No matter how much Hansen loves you, how many reasons he has, to take you and Jerry away, I would not compromise." Sara clenched her teeth and her face was filled with determination.

It wasn't until this period of time that she truly understood her daughter's situation in the Richards family. As long as she thought of Jenna's fate in the Richards family, her heart ached. She even wanted to die.

"Believe me. Men are like this. They won't cherish things that are easy to get. If he really wants to marry you, he and the Richards family must show more sincerity," said Sara with a clear and definite commitment.

Speaking of this, she looked at Jenna's confused look and sighed. She took Jenna's hand and spoke.

"Jenna, it was our fault back then. It was your father's fault. I shouldn't have listened to Vivian's words and married you into the Richards family. During this period of time, I truly understood what kind of life you have lived with the Richards family. This kind of life is too lowly for a woman. Why... Why didn't

you tell me all of this earlier? If I knew this earlier, I would have taken you home immediately. You are smart, beautiful, and sensible. However, the Richards family treated you like trash. They didn't give you a position and even the maids dared to bully you. I would never be able to forgive them for this. These days, whenever I think of this, I cannot sleep and eat in peace. I feel extremely guilty."


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