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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 354

Jenna held Jerry in her arms and slept soundly. The previous night was a sleepless one for her.

With her arms embracing Jerry closely, more than half of her face was covered by her beautiful hair. Even so, Hansen could make out the sadness on her pale face, as well as the swelling and puffiness around her eyes.

He felt a pang of heartache.

The mother- son duo embraced each other, inseparably and intimately. It was a family connection between them. Hansen recalled what Jenna had said, "Hansen, please let Jerry go, I beg of you! Jerry belongs to me. He is my life. If I lose him, how am I going to live for the rest of my life?"

He pursed his lips. Pain could be seen in his eyes.

Slowly, he walked towards her, and caressed her face.

"Jenna, Jerry is your life, but both you and Jerry are my life. If I lose the two of you, how am I going to live for the rest of my life?" He thought to himself.

He continued. "You only think about yourself, but what about my heart? What about how I got through all these years? I love you. That's why I will never let you go. My only intention is to provide you and Jerry a home, not to separate you two. Can’t you understand my heart? What should I do to make you go home with me as a happy woman?" He sighed deeply.

"Don't you worry. I won’t force you. If only you would come with me willingly."

As he was lost in his thoughts, he heard a sound. He looked up and saw Jerry staring directly at him with his obsidian eyes, which sparkled with alertness.

He smiled at Jerry blissfully, and reached out for him, resulting in Jerry letting out a soft cry.

Deeply asleep, Jenna slowly loosened her hands around Jerry.

Hansen reached out once again and gently picked Jerry up. He softly shushed and whispered, "Jerry, be a good boy. Don't cry. If not, you will wake Mommy up. Daddy will bring you out for a while. Let Mommy have a peaceful sleep, okay?"

His voice was soft, gentle, and soothing. It did wonders, as Jerry stopped crying.

Hansen pecked him and brought him out.

Perhaps Jerry has been in the ward for too long, as after walking out of the ward and breathing some fresh air, he seemed to be in better spirits. His glistening eyes wandered around, looking very adorable.

Hansen took him to a toy store. The colorful and shiny toys attracted his attention. One toy car in particular, caught his eyes, which he kept pointing at.

"You like cars too?" Hansen smiled and said, "It must be in your blood. Your mom is a top car designer, while I specialize in car production. I didn't think my son would like cars so much as well. Indeed, our family can't part with cars, huh."

"Hi, little boy, do you want it?" asked the woman in the toy store. How smart of her -she knew Hansen wasn't a local, and from what he was wearing, she knew that he was rich. Hence, she quickly picked out all the expensive toy cars in the store and showed them to Jerry. Jerry became even more excited, smiling from ear to ear.

Eventually, she succeeded.

Hansen ordered her to pack all the toy cars in the store and put them in a big bag. Considering that it would be inconvenient to bring the big bag around, he asked Jerry to choose his favorite toy car to hold in his hands, leaving the others at the store. They

then left the store joyfully.

In spring, at Jenova City, the air was humid, yet very fresh. Jerry had to have been out rarely, for he was on cloud nine from the moment Hansen brought him out.

It was noon, and the drizzling had stopped. A ray of sunlight shone through the gaps in the clouds. There was fresh air and refreshed spirits. With Jerry in his arms, Hansen was feeling relaxed and at ease more than ever. The father- and- son outing was enjoyable. Even an ordinary chick and duckling could fascinate Jerry to no end.

What made Hansen even blessed was that when he was playing with Jerry, not only did Jerry stop rejecting him, he also seemed to be fond of him.

This left Hansen overwhelmed with joy.

He thought, "This little fellow finally knew I am someone who loves him dearly and treats him well. Indeed, blood is thicker than water. This is a naturally formed feeling, with no sugar coating necessary."

Surrounded by the affection Jerry brought him, Hansen's excitement heightened, granting every wish Jerry had. A look here and a glance there, the thought of going back slipped their minds.

Jenna was asleep deeply, albeit not

peacefully. At first, she couldn't open her eyes, but after a long, deep sleep, she finally started stirring. As soon as she realised the emptiness in her arms, she instinctively reached out to embrace Jerry, but there was no sight of the baby. She didn't take it seriously, as she thought Jerry was sleeping somewhere on the bed.

"Jerry," she called out, and stretched her hand out further. This time, however, she realised the entire bed was empty. Her eyes were wide open.

After being stunned for some time, she turned over and got up from the bed hastily.

"Where is Jerry? I can't find Jerry!" she said to herself.

She was now wide awake.

"No, I'm not dreaming." She shook her head and pinched her thigh - the pain made her hiss.

"This is real. Jerry is missing!"

With that realisation, she let out a scream and started searching frantically around the room.

On the table of the room, there were lunch boxes in different sizes.

Without thinking, she knew they were all given by Hansen.

"Hansen took Jerry away when I was asleep!" As soon as this thought sprang in her mind, she cried her lungs out. Her body was icy cold. She was trembling, and then she lost her balance. Her sight grew dark.


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