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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 357

"But what?" Sergio carefully listened to Yadriel, and realised he hadn't finished his sentence. He looked up. That was when he saw Yadriel's tall figure looking rather different. In his heart, his father had always been as strong as the mountains, as deep as the ocean, but now he actually looked harrowing. There was even a faint trace of desolation, causing his heart to drop a little.

Yadriel had always fought for his ambition in politics. He would never hide anything from Sergio, and would even share his ambition and wisdom with him. Due to the influence from Yadriel, his ambition was to become a politician since he was young. However, that day, for the very first time, he saw how lonely Yadriel was, which upset him.

"Sergio, an outstanding politician not only has vicious means, but also has to take care of the overall situation, accept it and tolerate it. You can't be indecisive when it comes to your relationship. Marriages are to serve the politics. 'Tolerance' is the key to success. Back then, I made a proposal to Sara on your behalf, but never had I thought that the down- and- out Murphy family would reject us and choose the Richards family. This means that they had faith in Hansen. Now that Jenna has been mistreated since she married into the Richards family, Sara must be extremely disappointed in Hansen. Your time has come." Yadriel seemed to be really into it, but he sounded a little off.

As he listened to Yadriel's speech, Sergio felt an overwhelming and indescribable surge of emotion. Jenna's beautiful face flashed across his mind, and his heart was starting to flutter.

That year, she was only sixteen when he had first met her at a ball in Capital City. A drop- dead gorgeous girl. She'd stood out from the crowd, and captured his heart. Since then, all he could think about was her. After finally graduating from college, he had employed various ways to make Yadriel go to her house and propose a marriage. Unfortunately, the answer he got had broken his heart.

In fact, the gathering in that year had been held by Johan just for them. All the government officials in Capital City had brought their family members to the ball, giving them opportunities to make connections through marriages. Whether they would succeed, it would be up to God.

Sergio fell into silence.

Cigarettes were put out and lit up one after another by Hansen. He stood on the balcony of the hospital and gazed into the distance. All he could see was a gloomy sky. He too, was feeling gloomy, just like the sky.

Jenna was still sitting on the bed with Jerry in her arms, looking very fragile. Her lips were trembling, her body was shivering, her nerves were tensed.

The phone rang, and Hansen picked it up.

"Mr. Richards, I have something to tell you," Alvin said in a deep voice on the other side of the phone.

"Okay." Hansen looked at Jenna and Jerry who were on the bed, and changed the subject, "Has the helicopter arrived yet?"

"Mr. Richards, they have arrived at the airport. The medical team is now on the road. It is estimated that they will arrive in Wullen Town at night," Alvin replied hurriedly.

"Alright, go and get some daily necessities. I'll bring Jenna and Jerry home first, and we'll talk later in the evening." Hansen knew that if Alvin said he had something to tell him, it must be something important. However, Jerry's illness was more important to him, so he gave his orders without any hesitation.

"Okay." Alvin was anxious, but he understood that things couldn't be explained on the phone clearly, and that this was the only way.

"Jenna, how about we go home first? I've already called in a team of professionals from A city to treat Jerry. Let's get out of this hospital," he said gently as he walked in.

Jerry, who was in Jenna's embrace, looked at him with a hint of a smile. Perhaps it was because he had bought him plenty of toys.

Hansen was delighted. He reached out with his hand and caressed his tiny face, smiling at him.

"Go home?" Jenna was finally awakened by what Hansen had said. Feeling enlightened, she understood everything. She felt at ease. However, when she heard Hansen mention leaving the place, she became doubtful.

"Yes, home." Hansen nodded reassuringly. "Jerry's illness is still very serious, and the medical treatment here is too poor. I can't let you stay here anymore. It will be better if you go home."

"That's all it is!"

Seeing Jerry coughing so loudly, Jenna felt pain and sadness in her heart, and since Hansen had called in a professional team, she had no reason to object.

He seemed not to have the intention of taking Jerry away by force. Otherwise, why would he call in a team of professionals? As she thought, she immediately lowered her head and spoke softly.

"Hansen, I'm sorry. I've wrongly blamed you."

Her voice was very low, and she looked embarassed. There were traces of guilt and shame in her eyes. Her weak body seemed to be unable to bear the blow as it was shivering.

Hansen sighed and pulled her and Jerry into an embrace. He patted her shoulder lightly, not saying a single word.

"Pack up your things and we'll go." After her emotions had calmed down, Hansen let go of her and said softly.

Jenna nodded. She placed Jerry on the bed, and began to pack her things.

There were a lot of bits and pieces to pack. Hansen had wanted her to throw some away, but she picked up every single one of them in the end.

There was nothing Hansen could do but to call for a car. The alley was too narrow, that only one car could pass through at a time. It was not a long distance, but when they got home, it was already almost dusk.


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