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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 390

"Hansen, I want you to promise me a few things." A long while later, Jenna tipped her head up and spoke in a faint voice.

"Go ahead, my dear. Even if it's ten hundred things, I'll agree to it all," Hansen said with deep feelings.

"First, quit smoking," Jenna said seriously.

"Dear, I promise you." Hansen gritted his teeth and replied with a smile. His wife cared so much about him. Of course he would be happy to quit smoking. Besides, the reason he had smoked previously was because she had not been around. Now that she was with him, there was no need to fall back into that habit.

"Second, drink less when you are engaged in social activities, and you must be home before 12 a.m." Jenna jutted two fingers and put forward the second request.

"Okay, dear, I will do it." Hansen replied without hesitation.

What surprised Hansen was that he was able to force himself to agree to the following conditions.

"Thirdly, in the future, apart from me, you can't have any other woman in your heart." Jenna stared into his eyes, trying to judge his sincerity.

Now, this was easy. He didn't have any other women in his heart except for her, so he immediately nodded and agreed.

"Fourth, you can't bully me in the future."

"It's not difficult. All I want is to take care of her. How can I bully her?" He thought to himself.

He agreed immediately.

"Fifth, you can't doubt me at will. You can't say that I cheated on you just because I'm with another man."

"Sixth, you have to listen to me. I'll take care of your finances as well."

"Seventh, you need to spare some time to go shopping with me, and you have to accompany me back to see Mom every week."


Hansen lost count. Obviously, there were more than a dozen rules.

Hansen grumbled inwardly as his face was on the verge of darkening.

This d*mn woman had him wrapped around her little finger.

However, this was good. He was still very happy.

He was also willing to let her control everything about him. The only thing he was afraid of was that she would ignore him. If that happened, then his heart would be distraught.

The quieter the night, the more affectionate they were in each other's arms.

In the next few days, the two of them began to prepare for the wedding.

Hansen spent another 20 million dollars to customize their engagement rings. It was an eightcarat round cut diamond with a high degree of purity. On the sides, it was inlaid with small diamonds, forming a heart shape, meaning that their love would last forever.

Jenna was not a fan of fancy styles. Hence, she chose a simple ring with a small orchid in the middle for her engagement ring. J&H, their initials, were engraved meaningfully on the rings.

Both the wedding rings and engagement rings were meticulously crafted according to Jenna's design.

Hansen quickly announced his wedding to the public. The media interviewed him, and the news hit the newspapers.

Wherever Jenna and Hansen went, they would be followed by the media. When they encountered this situation, Hansen would hold Jenna in his arms. For a time, their wedding and their high visibility became the focus of all the media's attention.

There were even many people who formed doubts about their marriage and were still making wild guesses in the newspapers.

Eight days later, Jenna and Hansen finally held their wedding of the century.

The bridesmaid was Sabrina, and the best man was David.

No matter how one looked at it, that day would stay memorable.

At dawn, Bali Island welcomed a meaningful day.

Sabrina had just arrived in Bali Island. When she was still in the underground passage of the hotel, she was inundated by reporters and media representatives who had been staking out. As the bridesmaid, she had never expected that the scene would be so frantic and tense. There were so many paparazzi waiting for them, never mind that it was still early.

For a moment, she didn't know what to do. Fortunately, the security guard responsible for her safety took her arm in time and brushed away the reporters who surrounded her like vultures. They were desperately wading forward. Though Sabrina followed the bodyguard, soon that way didn't work anymore as reporters poured in and blocked their


"Let her go." With a low voice, there was a stir in the crowd. A tall and straight man split the throng of media reporters into two groups and strode over from the side, looking coldly at the hand of the security guard who was holding Sabrina's arm.


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