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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 408

Hannah looked at her seriously. Her eyes were filled with joy as she finally let her guard down and all her worries were washed away. Their friendship meant the world to Hannah.

Hannah had to admit it, Jenna was much braver and dedicated when it came to love.

When she fell in love with Hansen, she loved without any restraint. However, when she decided to give up, she ran away from him as far as she could. No matter how hard he pursued her again, she was indifferent towards him. She stuck to her decisions, no matter what.

Compared to Jenna, Hannah who saw herself as a master of love had to admit, she suffered a lot because of her concerns and hesitations.

Thinking about this, Hannah let out a deep sigh.

"However, you should still thank me. If it weren't for me, how could you get to know such an excellent man like Rayan?" Jenna smiled.

Hannah blushed. She held Jenna's hand and said with a serious tone, "I'm really glad you think that way. In fact, I've been feeling uneasy these days. We've been best friends growing up and I don't wish for us to grow distant just because of some misunderstanding. You have no idea how happy I was for you when I saw you walking down the aisle with Hansen. Now that we've cleared things up between us, we're still going to be best friends."

"Of course," Jenna quickly replied with excitement. There are seven billion people in the world, but Hannah was the only friend who meant the world to her. They had always been truthful to each other. Such an understanding was rare to have. Jenna's eyes welled up with tears as she took Hannah's hand and said affectionately, "Hannah, we're going to be best friends for life. If everything works out, I would like our children to marry each other."

"Nothing would make me happier." Hannah squealed with delight as her eyes welled up with tears.

They held each other's hands tightly.

"Come on, let's have a toast. To our never-ending friendship." Their glasses clinked and made a crisp sound.

They smiled at each other.

Then, they heard the sound of a pair of high heels approaching them. It was faint and delicate, but quick and impatient as if the owner of the heels held a grudge against the floor.

It was ruthless, precise, and fast.

The sound smashed into Jenna's eardrums as if the heels were stepping on her heart, which made her feel uncomfortable and disturbed.

She furrowed her brows as she turned towards the direction of the sound.

It was a woman with wavy hair and delicate features. Her evening gown made her look beautiful and charming.

She was walking towards them with a smile on her face.

Jenna and Hannah looked at each other.

It was a modest smile, but Jenna could feel an inexplicable unease from her expression. The atmosphere was cloaked with a sense of restlessness and danger.

"Hannah, Mrs. Richards, glad that I could meet you here. I've come to propose a toast." Zoella spoke courteously with a smile hanging on her face as she walked towards them.

Who was this woman?

Jenna didn't know who she was. So, she looked at Hannah. She thought maybe Hannah would have the answer since she was the head of the cafeteria and had met many people.

Hannah let out a laugh, stood up holding her glass, and said in a carefree manner, "Miss Yates, you're here. I've heard all about the extraordinary woman president of the Sky Sword Group."

Jenna understood as soon as Hannah introduced Zoella's title purposefully. "So this is the head of the Sky Sword Group." She thought.

She was a little surprised. It seemed that A City was really a place full of hidden talents. Even the women were more capable, one after another.

Even though Sky Sword Group and Jones Group had merged, their power was still far less than the Richards family at the moment. However, they cannot be underestimated.

With a clink, Hannah and Zoella had already finished the wine in their glasses.

"Here, Mrs. Richards." Zoella picked up a wine glass from the table and poured Hannah and herself another glass. Then, she handed a glass to Jenna and said with admiration, "Mrs. Richards, you are indeed as beautiful and as virtuous as people say. You're so much more beautiful in person than you are on the television. I've heard a lot about you. I also hope that the great and powerful Richards Group would show some mercy towards small companies like us. Cheers."

She clinked her glass against Jenna's and gulped all the wine down.

"This woman could really drink!" Jenna thought. She drank both glasses of wine without even blinking. However, on such an occasion, she should have already drank far more than just these two glasses, yet she looked calm and confident still.


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