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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 413

During the meal, Jenna's and Madam Lilian's conversation went on to be calmer and more relaxing. The atmosphere seemed like it was not a grand banquet, but more like a casual gathering. It was friendly and easy-going.

This banquet was the most delightful and longest meal attended by Madam Lilian, just because Jenna was sitting by her side.

In fact, the others who were accompanying Madam Lilian were of more importance, yet she was having fun chatting with Jenna throughout the dinner. She at times behaved like a child, talking about delicacies, and exciting experiences with Jenna, completely ignoring the whole table full of people who were there to see her.

Her delighted laughter could be heard from time to time.

Time passed very quickly just as they were enjoying their conversation. She stood up in reluctance as they were about to separate and leave.

Before leaving, she turned around to take Jenna's hand and said in a friendly manner, "My child, I have enjoyed myself a lot tonight. Thank you for keeping me company. If there is a chance, I hope to have dinner with you again."

"Madam, I enjoyed myself as well. Thank you very much and I also hope to have dinner with you again." Jenna was especially happy. The banquet that day was the happiest one among the few banquets she had attended. It was the most relaxing one and it also gave her a whole new perspective about the future banquets she was going to attend. From her previous assumptions, banquets were for those so-called nobles or the upper class people to show off to each other. They pretended to be high- profile and hypocritically dealt with the guests, and no one could see through each other's actual thoughts. However, Jenna felt that everything was different that day. She really felt Madam Lilian's sincerity. She was just a kind and lovely old lady with a lonely heart. Her heart was full of yearning for love and a family.

"Come, my child. This is my business card. Do contact me if you happen to be coming to Europe. I will take some time out to meet up with you." Before Madam Lilian left, she handed a business card to Jenna.

"Thank you, I will do so." Jenna's eyes were slightly moist. It didn't matter whether Madam Lilian was inviting her over sincerely or not, she was still really moved that Madam Lilian was treating her so well.

Who was Madam Lilian? She was a celebrity in international politics. Not to mention whether she would get to meet her even if she went there, it was still highly unlikely of her actually to meet her on her own. Nevertheless, she still treasured the business card.

It was just because of this elderly woman's sincerity. At least, from her point of view, what she saw was a senior lady's kind heart, not the world-renowned Madam Lilian.

Several men in black uniforms with guns surrounded and guarded Madam Lilian. A secretary who was wearing glasses wrapped a shawl around Madam Lilian's neck and escorted her to a limousine.

Everyone stopped in their tracks, watching as the group of people walked away.

Before finally getting in the car, Madam Lilian turned back and waved to everyone. Jenna could still see the gentle smile on her face.

She gripped the business card that still had Madam Lilian's warmth in her hand. Her mind couldn't calm down for the moment.

Madam Lilian and her entourage soon disappeared from their sight.

"Jenna, I didn't expect Madam Lilian to think so highly of you and like you so much. It looks like you really are a woman who attracts people's good graces." Hannah was the first to rush forward as she congratulated Jenna enviously.

Being able to obtain Madam Lilian's personal business card was almost a rare occurrence. It was as if she had never ever heard of anyone being able to bear such an honor before.

Many people who were present, including the mayor, Sadiva, and the secretary, Zach, were all surprised. They did not expect the daughter of Javon Murphy, the late official, to be so favored by Madam Lilian. They felt that if Jenna hadn't married Hansen and gained the title of Mrs. Richards, she would not have been important enough to attend the banquet. It was basically impossible for her even to meet Madam Lilian.

However, the fact was that she was successfully married to one of the world's richest businessmen. That day, she attended the banquet.

Perhaps, it was all fate. The graceful and mighty Hansen still loved and doted on her so much, and her parents-in-law were all very kind to her. This woman's life was really too wonderful.

Sergio watched them from the beginning to the end, and he was finally relieved. Madam Lilian failed to identify with Jenna at last. Maybe there wouldn't be a chance for them to meet again after that parting. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for them to deal with the aftermath, and he might not be able to explain it to Zoella.

The banquet finally ended.

"Hannah, how could you value your boyfriend more than your own friend by leaving me alone?" Jenna saw Hannah and thought of how she abandoned her. She almost died because of that and was almost misunderstood by Hansen. Jenna couldn't help being angry as she blamed Hannah.

Hannah chuckled awkwardly.

"Jen." It was still an affectionate nickname, but Jenna seemed to feel that something had changed. Although she had never loved Rayan before, he had played along with her. There was a kind of vague relationship between them. Although they did not fall in love with each other, she had a faint sense of dependence on him. After all, he used to be so selfless towards her. Now that he had Hannah by his side, his kindness to her would inevitably be transferred to someone else. This was normal for human beings, even if it was a person whom they didn't love, they would still feel a sense of loss when that person suddenly left their side.


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