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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 425

When Liya saw that Hansen was willing to speak to her, she softened her tone and her face lit up with excitement. She immediately blinked her bright eyes and replied in a crisp voice, "Hansen, I am now working in the newly established web studio."

"So, you're the newly recruited computer expert?" It dawned upon Hansen. It was no wonder he had no impression of this woman. She was a new recruit whom Jenna had hired. Since Jenna was in full control of the matter, he paid no attention to it. This woman must be Jenna's old friend or acquaintance and she must have known Hansen through Jenna.

When he thought about it this way, his doubts subsided.

"Since you've been recruited by Ms. Murphy, you'd better work well. She's a very qualified superior. As long as you perform well, she will recognise your talents," said Hansen calmly. "I hope I won't see you in places like this again from now on."

After that, he did not take a second look at her before passing her and walking away.

"Hansen, do you really not remember me at all?"

Liya saw that Hansen was about to leave. She didn't know when she would be able to find the chance to speak to him alone again. Hence, she was unwilling to give up and continued to ask him questions.

Hansen stood still. He looked a little annoyed.

"Liya, whether I know you or not, it doesn't matter. In the company, everyone is treated equally. As long as you do well, Ms. Murphy and I will both reward you. Additionally, I don't think I know you from anywhere. If you know me, then I thank you for paying so much attention to me. But from now on, please don't call me by my name anymore." He clearly emphasised his words with a cold, tough, and rude tone. He didn't want to say anything else to her.

Liya's eyes were instantly filled with tears. Her face was very pale, and she lowered her head intently.

It wasn't until Hansen's figure had walked far away that she lifted her head from her chest. She wiped away her tears and slowly walked towards the Richards Group.

She knew it. For a rich man like him, that tiny incident meant nothing. She was just a humble woman. Why would he remember her?

Jenna sat on the sofa and stared at a newspaper in hand. Her eyebrows were knitted into a straight line.

On the front page of the newspaper, Hansen and Luqman were sitting opposite each other, and the scene of them talking and laughing could be seen clearly. It was obvious that this was the reason Hansen had come back very late the night before. She had been waiting for him all day and he didn't even show up to their lunch date at Collier Manor. She knew that something was going on. It turned out that not only was she right, but it was also no ordinary matter either.


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