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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 446

At the main office of the Sky Sword Group, Zoella, who was wearing a white dress and a black shawl, was sitting at her desk. Her silky hair fell over her shoulders and she looked very elegant and charming.

She was holding a pen, and was lost in thought, as she stared at the computer screen.

Octavia walked in and said softly, "Miss Yates, Mr. Jones is here."

Zoella, who was staring at the computer screen, narrowed her eyes. Her mouth twisted into that wry smile again and her eyes twinkled with mirth. She was not paying attention to what Octavia was saying.

Octavia did not receive a response after standing there for a while. Hence, she could only raise her voice. "Mr. Oscar is here."

"What did you say? Who's here?" she asked incredulously. Upon hearing Oscar's name being mentioned, Zoella finally came to her senses.

"Mr. Jones, Mr. Oscar." Octavia had to repeat what she said.

Why was he here? Zoella's gaze turned ice-cold and it was dripping with spite.

Octavia couldn't help but tremble with fear when she saw Zoella's withering stare, although it was not chilly in the room.

"Let him in." Zoella's icy expression only lasted for a few seconds. She soon calmed down and she instructed Octavia calmly. An enigmatic smile spread across her face.

She didn't expect that Matteo would really ask his good-for-nothing son to come over and keep an eye on her. Amazing!

After a while, the scent of cologne wafted towards her.

Although the scent of the cologne was alluring and it was popular among men nowadays, Zoella sniffed with disgust when she saw Oscar's bald and plump figure appeared before her. He literally reeked of sweat and the scent of the cologne no longer seemed appealing.

"Honey." As soon as Oscar set foot in the office, he sat down immediately on the couch and beamed from ear to ear when he looked at Zoella's attractive figure, as well as her skin, which was tender and soft to touch. He longed for her so terribly and was satisfied with her looks. "It must have been hard for you. My dad told me that it's not easy for a woman to handle a company all by herself and asked me to come over and help you. You can just sit back and relax."

He flashed her a smile, looking very gleeful. His gaze remained riveted upon her face and the desire on his face was so apparent. Anyone could see that he wanted more than anything to reach his hands out to touch her smooth and tender skin. He was getting increasingly impatient and gulped repeatedly throughout the conversation.

Zoella gave him a sideways glance and almost shuddered in disgust. This plump and ugly man had his gaze riveted upon her body. His eyes were filled with lust and judging from his expression, it seemed that he regarded her as his plaything. His expression told her clearly that he was aroused and wanted to sleep with her.

She wanted to puke in disgust. Feeling nauseous, she covered her mouth and steadied herself.

It would already be a blessing if Oscar had not disrupted her plans, but to help her? What utter rubbish!

"Oscar, I have something to do here. Why don't you go to the hotel and get yourself a room to rest in the meantime. Once I'm done, I will go and meet you," Zoella said gently, forcing a smile.

Oscar stared at her beautiful features, and her charming and captivating smile. He was super satisfied with the wife his father had 'procured' for him. His gaze fleeted across her face and fell on her bosom. The sight made his stomach churn with excitement and his desires manifested. He was reluctant to leave at the moment.

"Honey, there's no need to rush. I'm not tired at all. The sight of you makes me pretty energetic. Let me keep you company," Oscar said gleefully as he stole a glance at her exposed, ample cleavage, and gulped. He wished more than ever to stretch out his hands to grab her breasts and satisfy his desires. Hence, he was not going to leave so easily.

Zoella's expression darkened. She could clearly see the desire in his eyes and it filled her with disgust.

She would rather commit suicide than let his filthy hands touch her.

However, she had to come up with a plan to send him away or he would definitely get his way. With him over here, she could not plan out her revenge in peace.

"Octavia, Oscar has come from afar. It must be a tiring journey. Hurry up and pour him some water to quench his thirst." Zoella spun around and smiled smugly as she instructed Octavia. As she spoke, she winked at her and gave her a meaningful look.

Octavia understood at once what she wanted her to do. With a smile, she nodded her head and left

the office.

After a while, Octavia returned with a porcelain cup filled with water.

"Come, Oscar, have some water." Surprisingly, Zoella was very enthusiastic and handed him the cup of water herself.

Oscar could not believe his eyes. She was coming closer to him. Mesmerized by her beauty and her captivating smile, Oscar gulped in excitement. Beaming, he gladly accepted the cup of water.

As he held the cup, he caught sight of her slender hands and seized the opportunity to hold her hand. Zoella already expected that he would do something like that, but all she did was to smile in response. She did not withdraw her hand. He stroked her hand gently and she seized the chance to push the cup against his lips. She said gently, "Oscar, drink some water first. The weather is pretty hot."

"Yes, yes, honey. I am kind of thirsty." Holding her hand in his made him even thirstier and he parted his lips and gulped down the cup of water.

Zoella quickly withdrew her hand from his and smiled as she asked, "Are you still thirsty? Would you like another cup of water?"

Oscar giggled sheepishly. After a while, his eyelids drooped and he collapsed onto the couch.


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