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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 49

When Hansen appeared at the event holding Aria's hand, the reporters who gathered around immediately rushed forward and started taking photos of the couple.

The cameras around flashed non-stop, shining on the beautiful couple!

"Mr. Richards, I heard that you proposed to Aria McAdams. Is this true?"

"Mr. Richards, I heard that you knelt down to propose to Aria. That's so romantic!"

"Mr. Richards, can you tell us when your wedding with Aria will be scheduled?"

"Excuse me, Mr. Richards, where are you going to hold your wedding? There are rumors that you have already obtained a marriage certificate in England, is it true?"

The crowd of reporters kept throwing questions at them.

Hansen and Aria were surrounded by many media reporters, with multiple microphones pointed at them.

Hansen had spent all his energy and effort on this event. He had utilized a lot of manpower and material resources, but he did not expect that the media was more interested in his private life than the event. It really annoyed him.

Aria smiled proudly; she was happy. She had to persuade Hansen to hold her hand when they arrived. In such an important event, she was happy to appear alongside Hansen in front of the financial magnates and political figures. It was not a typical occasion. She hoped that the media would make a big deal out of it so she could let the whole world know that she was Hansen Richard's fiancee.

"I'm sorry, no comments." Hansen was expressionless. He looked at Alvin and hinted at him. Alvin quickly ordered the bodyguards to block off the reporters and opened up a path for them to walk through. Hansen quickly grabbed the delighted Aria and strode into the convention center.

All the media reporters in A city knew that the private life of Hansen Richards, the President of Richards Group, was a mystery. Despite good news circulating around that he was going to marry Mayor McAdams' daughter, Aria McAdams soon, it was still only a rumor. Some senior reporters still remembered the low profile wedding from three years ago. All of them were confused and curious. They all worked hard, trying to uncover the truth.

Now, every reporter rushed into the venue of the press conference, waiting for an opportunity!

The press conference officially began after a burst of passionate songs.

"Cosmic Hybrid Car, combined with the many excellent qualities of today's automotive industry. Safe, environmental-friendly, comfortable, minimal fuel consumption, fashionable, distinguished designs, elegance, and nature- friendly. It's comfortable and spacious, just like Richards Group's pursuit of quality, excellence, wealth, cultural importance, safety, and health." The event emcee explained gracefully, "The project signed here today is the outcome of the joint efforts of Richards Group Automotive and various parties. Now, please welcome on stage, the President of Richards Group, Hansen Richards."

There was warm applause from the audience.

A melodious song played softly in the background.

The spotlights flashed alternately, and Hansen, dressed in an expensive, hand-made suit that fitted him perfectly, walked calmly towards the center of the stage.

"I would like to thank all our distinguished guests for coming today. Welcome to Richards Group. I hereby announce that Richards Group's first- ever "Spread Out Love With Cosmic Hybrid Car" event has officially begun." His voice was powerful and magnetic. It was concise and simple, which suited his status and style of doing things...

Jenna stood under the stage and watched quietly. There were many distinguished guests including ambassadors of different countries, presidents of multinational companies, famous

entrepreneurs, acquaintances from abroad and within the country, Mayor McAdams, and a number of political figures. Major local and foreign media were present too.

Aria's father was dressed formally and was present as Hansen's future father-in-law. He sat beside Aria and Hansen.

Jenna suddenly felt that all of this was so far away from her. It was a totally different world. The confusion and chill that she felt made her feel empty. Why did all this matter to her? She was just a passerby. Everything was just going to happen as planned.

Tonight, she would fulfill her duty and explain her designs. But afterwards, where would she go?

"Next, let's welcome the world- class designer, Miss Murphy, to explain about the cars she designed," the emcee announced.

"Miss Murphy, is it really her? She designed the cars?"

"I heard that Miss Murphy is a close acquaintance of Rayan Whalen, one of the richest men in the world. Why is she in Richards Group?"

"Yeah, the Adya that she designed were hugely popular around the world. The sales were off the charts. It was indeed well designed. I like it very much."

"I heard that she is a beautiful woman?"

Commotion ensued.

The audience were busy whispering to each other.


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