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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 492

It was another cool day with a light breeze.

Sabrina was dressed in a light pink dress with high heels. She held a rubber duck in one hand and a bag of toys in the other, as she rushed towards the electric car.

That day, she bought a lot of toys, all of which were for Jerry.

During that period of time, after going to Richards Manor a few times, she was relieved to see that Norton wasn't pestering her anymore. Jenna was relieved as well. So, she let her stay in the manor.

Of course, Sabrina stayed here as Jenna's best friend. Moreover, she stayed in a suite on the second floor of the Green Jade Garden with Jerry.

Therefore, Sabrina's and Jerry's relationship was getting better and better.

Moreover, Jerry was quite fond of Sabrina. He said that Sabrina was quite pretty, which was very interesting.

"Jerry, Jerry!" Sabrina shouted as soon as she entered Green Jade Garden.

Jerry was watching cartoons in the living room with sweat all over. Since Hansen was too busy, he didn't have time to play with Jerry. Thus, Jerry was so bored that he could only watch boring cartoons.

However, he was quite immersed in them. Although Jerry thought that the cartoons were too childish, the girls in them were still very beautiful and lovely, and they suited his tastes. So, he would always be so engrossed in them that he would even forget to eat.

The moment he heard Sabrina's shout, Jerry jumped up immediately.

"Auntie Fairy, Auntie Fairy!" he shouted happily and ran toward Sabrina.

'Auntie Fairy' was the nickname that Jerry thought of for Sabrina. It was because Sabrina looked as beautiful as a fairy. That was why he called her that.

"Jerry, come here and have a look. Do you know what this is?" Sabrina handed over the rubber duck in her hand to Jerry.

Jerry looked at it as he retrieved it. "Eh? What an ugly duckling. There's nothing fun about it!"

"That's not true. Let me tell you. If you play with it properly, this ugly duckling can turn into a white swan, and it can even fly," Sabrina explained with a smile.

"Really?" Jerry became extremely curious upon

hearing that.

"Of course, but we have to go and play in a stream in Central Island for it to take effect." Sabrina explained patiently, "Also, look at these toys. After putting these into the water, they will grow and can even bloom. That sounds fun right?"

Jerry's eyes started to shine as he swallowed his saliva.

"Then, Sabrina, let's go to Central Island immediately. I really want to see the ugly duckling turn into a white swan. I also want to see these toys grow," Jerry said, rubbing his hands, feeling very excited.

"Alright, let's get a plastic basin first before going." Sabrina was also looking forward to it as she liked playing with children. Furthermore, in that period of time, she spent most of her time in the Richards Group. Thus, she wanted to take a breather too.

Just like that, Sabrina held Jerry's hand and walked to Central Island.

Central Island was covered in green grass and had a cool breeze, which was very comfortable.

Sabrina filled up the basin with water and put it on a slate. Then, she emptied the bag of the toys.

The two of them looked at the toys for a while, but nothing happened. After a while, they found that they had already waited for half an hour.

"Jerry, let's go and play with the ugly duckling first." Sabrina knew that they shouldn't rush it. So, she suggested this.

Jerry was, of course, elated. He was eager to give it a try.

Nonetheless, when Sabrina took out the rubber duck and put it in the water for a while, it didn't transform at all. The two of them were dumbfounded upon seeing that.

"Auntie Fairy, you must've been tricked. This ugly duckling can't become a white swan and fly at all," Jerry said with a displeased expression.

"Alas, it's such a pity, Jerry. I don't know what's going on either. I've tried my best too. So, don't be discouraged. I'll buy you something else next time." Since the rubber duck didn't work as intended, Sabrina had no choice but to comfort Jerry.

Then, the two of them sat on the bench, and could only look at the toys in the basin, waiting for them to bloom and grow.

After a while, the phone rang.

"Sweetheart, can I treat you to dinner?" A very crisp male voice came from the other side of the phone and Sabrina was in a daze after hearing it.

"Toffle Maud?" she cried out. Toffle was actually her classmate when she was in college. He wasn't from Capital City but he was from A City. After graduating, he started to work in the Richards Group. Unexpectedly, he met Sabrina in the past few days. Moreover, Sabrina was the vice president. So, the relationship between the two quickly became better.

In college, Toffle was a friend who was easy to talk to, and since they were working for the Richards Group right then, they had a lot in common.

Wow, Toffle called her just when she had leisure time that day.

"Dinner? Where?" Sabrina looked at the time. It was only half past five. So, there was still enough time for her to get dressed.

"Hmm, let's go to the Blue Swan Restaurant. The food there is very good, and their cooking style is similar to that of Capital City's." Toffle said enthusiastically, "I'll pick you up at six o'clock."


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