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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 539

"It's very simple. Liya will just be the second wife. Even if she were to marry Hansen for real, she won't be greatly respected in Richards Manor. From Liya's current mental state, she's very likely to seek revenge against Richards Manor. So, why don't you just sit back and take advantage of her? There are so many benefits to this." Sergio's eyes were filled with a smug smile. He was giving her pointers at the right time.

Zoella's eyebrows twitched. "What are the benefits?"

"It turns out that you're always smart but sometimes a fool, huh?" The sarcastic smile at the corner of Sergio's lips grew apparent. "Don't you want to take revenge on the Richards Group? At present, Liya is the best pawn to do so, but you want to abandon such a good pawn. I really feel sorry for you."

Right then, Zoella's started to twitch as well, as she looked at him with a blank and helpless expression.

"Think about it. Don't you want Hansen to suffer? Don't you want to take revenge against the Richards Group? Think about all the schemes you've used, and how they've ended up. The evidence against Jenna has been stolen by Liya, and right now, Hansen has broken free of his one and only weak spot. Although he doesn't have any evidence to prove it, he knows that you're the mastermind, and he definitely won't let you go. Please use more of your wits, Zoella. You can't take down the Richards Group like that. Hansen can do things as he likes, now that you can't threaten him anymore. As long as he fights back a little, you will definitely be destroyed miserably. Don't even expect to get the revenge you want. I'm afraid that you can't even escape from him. You should've known by now that the Richards Group is starting to break through your encirclement, and they will definitely recover their strength soon. Besides, Sadiva wants to make use of Hansen's finances to finish the construction for the Regional Games. So, what's the use of you using Honold? Can he beat his own father? Will he be willing to fight his father for you? You'll know that it's impossible if you think about it. It's obvious if you analyze what has happened in these few days."

Sergio's long speech made Zoella break out in cold sweat.

Zoella slowly came back to her senses when Sergio illuminated the situation. If she had gone to the wedding to expose Liya that day, then Liya would've exposed her too, and then they would fight each other. At that point, only Hansen would gain the upper hand. It was very likely that she and Liya would both lose due to infighting. Why hadn't she thought of that before?

The unease and annoyance inexplicably disappeared.

It turned out that she felt that way because she knew that method wasn't a good move. That was why she had such negative reactions. It was just that she didn't notice it.

"Then, do you mean to let Liya become Hansen's second wife for real?" Zoella asked with her eyes wide as she clenched her fist.

On the other hand, Sergio looked calm and composed, nodding his head, as if it was the absolute right thing to do.

"Mr. Xanthe, I feel that you're sacrificing me because you aren't able to get Jenna. You want Hansen to marry Liya as his second wife for real, so that Jenna will file a divorce. Since she can't bear it anymore, then you'll gain a chance at courting her, right?" Zoella wasn't stupid. Sergio was a man who only did things for his own interests. She was certain that Sergio came there that day wasn't because he cared about her.

She was not a person to be taken advantage of with such ease. So, she asked that question in return at once.

"I don't care how you think, but I guess you can't rule out the possibility that I have this thought," Sergio admitted it loudly. "But the reason I came here this time is mostly for your own good. Think about it. If you expose Liya, then it will be equivalent to shooting yourself in the foot. The two of you will suffer a lot from the infighting, and then you'll never find the chance to take revenge against Hansen anymore. You should really think about this matter carefully, and weigh the gains and losses." He stood up and reminded her in a condescending manner. "I'm doing this for your own good, and also for everyone's interests. Think about it. If you lose the pawn that can keep Hansen in check, then you'll lose. It will be difficult for you to find another opportunity to find another weakness of Hansen's. Then, you'll never be able to achieve your goal. However, if Liya stays with Hansen and causes trouble, even if she does not grab hold of his weakness, it will still have an unexpected effect. If a man with a prestigious background has a woman like Liya by his side, isn't trouble bound to happen? With that, your opportunity will surely come." Sergio saw through Zoella's mind, and he explained carefully.

Zoella gradually became sober.

Wasn't that the truth?

"Then, don't you think that Liya will betray us if Hansen recruits her to his side?" she asked gingerly.

"Not at all." Sergio inserted his hands into the pockets of his trousers, looking elegant and calm. He answered with certainty, "It is a tragedy for a woman like Liya to marry into the Richards family. As long as Hansen is no longer threatened, I can guarantee that he won't even take a second look at Liya, let alone touch her. The only person he loves is Jenna. For her, he is willing to sacrifice everything, including his own life. He will only give his love to Jenna, and he won't ever love Liya. In that case, Liya's mental state will surely crumble, and she won't be resigned to it and would find a way to seek revenge. At that time, we can just stand aside and watch them make a fool of themselves. We will be able to see how Liya ruins Hansen's married life, and how the Richards Group will be destroyed."

Zoella was lost in thought.

"Also, for Hansen, aside from his family and Jenna, no one else will be able to make him feel threatened. And if you want to achieve this goal and make him uncomfortable, the most effective way is to let Liya disturb his family and make his life miserable. This way, you can achieve your goal, and opportunities may even appear. You are a smart person. So, surely, you understand this point, right?" Seeing that Zoella was hesitating, Sergio continued to advise her.

Sergio's advice was effective. Although Zoella was sitting, lost in her thoughts, she seemed much calmer than before.


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