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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 572

"Mr. Richards, you're back," someone in the crowd exclaimed when he saw Hansen. For a moment, everyone turned their heads to look at him.

Hansen was walking towards them. His gaze was heavy, and his face was dark, which gave him a merciless demeanor.

After scanning the crowd, his eyes fell on the pale-faced woman standing in front of him.

He walked up quickly and took her hand. There was a touch of tenderness on his face as he comforted her softly. "Honey, don't worry. Leave everything here to me. You should go back and have a rest."

How could he let the pregnant Jenna stay at such a scene?

He could not let his unborn child, who was still in Jenna's womb, experience such horror. He had the responsibility to protect them.

"Hansen, you're back." When she saw his muscular and strong figure, Jenna's panicking heart finally calmed down. The man had a reliable, masculine disposition, and she instantly composed herself.

She knew that the problem would be solved since he had returned.

"Let's go. I'll take you to the guest room for a rest first. How have you been in the past two days?" Hansen's initially gloomy eyes became particularly gentle and kind when he saw her. The murky expression on his face also dissipated, and he didn't even look at the woman on the roof who was courting death.

"Alright." Jenna looked into his eyes, which were bright and spirited. She answered obediently and willingly followed him back to the bedroom.

"Hansen, Liya..." After Jenna was carried onto the bed by Hansen, she was still not at ease and spoke.

"Shush." Hansen lifted a finger, indicating that she should not speak. Then, he leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Silly woman, don't worry about it. Such a woman won't be willing to die. She just wants to threaten me. Please rest assured. I won't let things go her way. I'll pull her down from the back door and let the police take her away. Just ignore her."

As he spoke, he kissed her forehead and touched her belly with his hand, smiling at her as he added, "Trust me. I'll come back later to check on your daily life in the next two days. If I find out that you didn't eat much, then I'll spank you."

After that, he gently tapped her nose.

In an instant, Jenna's face was no longer pale as she blushed and giggled shyly.

The night before Hansen left for Capital City, he had instructed Jenna to eat as much as she could, drink as much soup as she could, and eat as many fruits as possible. He had listed a course of dishes for her and had even gone to the extent of allocating two chefs to cook specially for her. Not only did Larry and Aunt Ella take care of her, he had also recruited a few helpers. Hence, she was surrounded by a large number of people everyday. The medical expert team could only enter her guest room for a check-up at her convenience.

The food Jenna ate was refined and costly. Everyday, the kitchen would come over to ask what she liked to eat. If she wanted to eat something that was not available in the country, then they would use a helicopter to fetch it. There were several times when she wanted to eat cherries. Hansen thought that the local cherries were not up to par. So, he sent someone to a foreign country with a helicopter to purchase the cherries.

No matter what kind of ingredient it was, Hansen would always focus on its exquisiteness and cost. When she was pregnant with Jerry in the past, he hadn't taken care of her, and he regretted it a lot. He wasn't the same now as he had even spent almost an entire day printing a detailed list of Jenna's daily schedules. Soon after, Hansen gathered the kitchen staff and her aides, including the medical expert team, and held a meeting to give out the specific orders.

Hansen requested them to take care of Jenna, who was pregnant, with their best efforts.

When these people realized that Mr. Richards valued his wife and children so much, none of them dared to act in a superficial manner.

Jenna's basic needs were the best of their kind. The cooking ingredients were also the freshest and the finest. For example, Hansen did not allow the kitchen staff to purchase chickens from the supermarket as he thought that those chickens were injected with hormones and fed on cheap fodder. If Jenna ate them, then it would affect the growth of her child. He insisted that the kitchen could only buy free-range chickens, with a strict record of its journey from the hatching of the chicken until it matured. They must be able to find out the production chain on which farm it belonged, and at the very least, it had to be from a reputable supplier.

Each bite Jenna took and each sip Jenna drank must be of the best brand and the ingredients.

Even if Hansen kept watch at night for Vivian and was busy with the company's affairs, he would take the time to accompany Jenna. Other than the days when he was in Capital City, he would always allocate some of his time everyday and went for a walk with her. He would even hold her hand as they walked around the garden. He had been doing so since they had returned from the Seaside Resort. Not only that, but he would also carefully check on her daily workload and confirm it was within the scope of her tolerance.

He would not allow anyone to make her unhappy. One day, one of Richards Manor's chefs thought it was too troublesome to go to a warehouse to buy eggs. So, he secretly used eggs he bought from the supermarket. When Hansen found out about it, his face darkened, and he called the chef over for a good scolding. After that, he fired the chef.

After this incident, everyone began to prepare Jenna's food carefully, clothing, and basic needs. They worked extra hard to serve Jenna.

Jenna was surrounded by Hansen's deep love. Trevor and Marissa also favored her. Right now, she was practically doted on by everyone, and she was also the head of the household of Richards Manor. In the Richards family, her current status was the most precious and popular. All the servants in Richards Manor had to follow her instructions before carrying out a task. This was what it meant to be spoiled rotten.

With Hansen's care and love, Jenna's complexion was getting better day by day. Although she was pregnant, her pale face looked livelier. Even in the face of Vivian's illness, Hansen ingeniously got rid of all that negative emotion, even though her heart was uncomfortable.

At this moment, Hansen only smiled with satisfaction when he watched her lying quietly on the bed. He walked out with peace of mind.


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