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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 580

Johan was arrogant and stubborn. He had never once taken an interest in his disobedient son. He didn't want to look at Sara as he thought that they were the family's black sheep. He even set a house rule that no one should ever mention her. Madam Moore had shed many tears over this matter.

Johan was a man of his word. He refused to recognize Sara as a member of the Moore family. Some may even describe him as extremely ruthless.

However, Johan's temperament had changed gradually in recent years. When he knew about Sara's tragic situation, he secretly lent Sara a hand instead of staying on the sidelines.

Never in Earl's wildest dream would he imagine Sara to be Johan's granddaughter. He had strategize carefully and tried his best to hide the news from the media, so that the public would not know the truth. He thought his plan was flawless but he failed to realize that Hansen had always been in love with Jenna.

Therefore, Earl's failure was bound to happen!

What about them?

Yadriel felt a chill running down his spine as he thought.

After Jenna's return to the Richards Group in an attempt to avenge her father, Johan saw her outstanding performance in Richards Group at the press conference. Truth be told, none of Johan's grandchildren were as capable as Jenna. Yadriel surmised that Johan had had a change of heart since then.

"If Hansen and Luqman decided to work together, then Johan would switch his stand and side with Luqman because of Jenna. If that happens, then we are doomed." Yadriel lowered his voice. He felt an inexplicable fear.

Some things became clearer as people got older, especially when it came to guilt. People tended to reflect on things that made them feel guilty in the past.

Johan was probably having the same dilemma as well.

No matter how cruel and cold-hearted he was, He still regarded Flavian as his son although he disliked him very much. He even claimed Flavian's ashes back home. This was a prime example of how Johan wasn't as cold hearted as he seemed to be.

If Madam Lilian and Sara did end up recognizing each other, then Johan would not be the only one who was important in the matter. The events in the war-torn country and the crimes he committed would also be exposed. Yadriel paced around the house as he thought and put out his cigarette after a few moments.

"Sergio, I want Lilian to get rid of the idea of recognizing her daughter once and for all. I still need her help with things in the war-torn country. If the incident were brought to light, then she might still be willing to lend a hand. But she would never help me again if she finds out that we were responsible for framing the Richards Group, in addition to Sara's existence," Yadriel uttered with a gloomy face and then picked up the phone.

"Is this A City's Ministry of Health? I'm looking for Mr. Eder."

The morning light had just entered the room through the window when Jenna woke up all of a sudden with alertness.

She had been developing a regular routine. She would go to the park for a walk or exercise every morning.

"Jenna." A tall and slender figure greeted as he walked towards Jenna just as she walked out of the small path in the Ink Garden.

"Norton, you're finally back." Jenna's eyes lit up and she greeted Norton excitedly. The man in front of her was travel-weary. There was a trace of tiredness on his face but his eyes looked energetic. His face was thinner and his eyes had a more modest glow compared to the last time she saw him.

Norton's face lit up with joy when he saw Jenna. His eyes were clear and bright.

"Jenna, I initially planned on returning after receiving the call, but the company was recently listed, and it was a critical time for the company. I called Dad and took a few days leave after learning about Grandma's condition," Norton explained quickly.

"Alright. You must be tired, Norton." Jenna smiled gently.

The two of them walked towards a pergola.

"Norton, how are the sales of the cars? How is the market?" The two sat down on the stone bench underneath the pergola, and Jenna asked calmly.

"Jenna, don't worry about it. Our cars were well-received as soon as they were introduced. The first batch of cars produced were already sold out barely two weeks in. The orders are still coming in and things seem to be going well." Norton was very excited. He was energetic and cheerful when he talked about the company. "It is a century-old company after all. Our quality and performance are top-notch."

Jenna nodded her head in agreement. Jersey had already given her a report on Norton's performance. She was delighted with Norton's hard work and dedication.

In fact, Norton's talent in business was comparable to Old Master Richards.

He named the company N&S Group. Jenna knew the story behind the name of the company. The origin and the meaning behind did not require any more explanation as it came from Norton's and Sabrina's initials.

"Norton, your company will take over all the foreign luxury car production and sales of the Richards Group in the future. The Richards Group will no longer produce luxury cars. Do you understand what I mean?" Jenna asked seriously.

"I understand. Don't worry, Jenna. All the legal registrations of N&S Group have been completed abroad. It no longer has anything to do with the Richards Group. All the cars that were recalled have undergone facelifts and were re- listed. We started selling them this week. One of the recent batches was well-received when it was introduced to the market, thanks to Whalen Group's technology and your car design. The Jones Group's luxury car sales were facing pressure and their sales declined rapidly. Our sales would be more than a hundred million dollars this week alone," Norton said excitedly.


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