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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 593

"Hansen, where are you?" Jenna's concerned voice came from the other side of the phone.

The corners of Hansen's mouth curled.

"Jenna, I have something to handle outside. You should go to bed early." Of course, Hansen would not tell her about such a big event, lest she was frightened.

Jenna's eyelids had been twitching the whole day, and her mood was unsettled. When she heard the calm and gentle tone from Hansen, her heart was finally at ease.

"Hansen, get home soon. I'll wait for you." Without him, Jenna could not fall asleep. Jenna was pregnant. So, she relied heavily on Hansen, and her heart was also fragile.

"Little fool, I have a few dinner parties today. I will be home very late. Don't wait for me, go to bed early and rest, okay? Otherwise, I will be unhappy." Hearing this, Hansen felt uncomfortable, and his voice on the phone was a bit serious.

"Alright." Jenna pursed her lips and put down the phone. Now that Paul had gone to Capital City and Irvin was still in Africa, there were some things that she could not figure out. However, she believed that Hansen wouldn't hide anything from her. Since he informed her that he had something to do outside, she would believe him.

In the hospital at midnight, the noise gradually fell silent, and the patients' groans in the ward was obvious.

The doctors and nurses on each floor went to their lounges after the last shift ended.

The corridor was quiet.

A dark figure slowly approached the gate of the hospital.

Sitting in the Hummer, Hansen stared at the figure with sharp eyes. He'd finally come!

Yaris, the man who had once won his trust, had betrayed him. He had almost put the Richards Group and the woman Hansen loved in a situation where they would never be able to recover.

Hansen couldn't forgive this man.

He clenched his fists, but he didn't take any action.

Hansen noticed the people who followed him outside. They did not enter the hospital but instead stood outside of the hospital, watching inside with vigilance.

Yaris entered the elevator successfully.

The floor indicator on the elevator was changing over and over again. After going up and down several times, he came out of the elevator.

The people and police who were guarding the entrance followed quietly.

The long cap almost covered half of Yaris's face, but it did not prevent Hansen from recognizing him.

"Stop, don't move." A cold pistol was placed on his waist.

Yaris' face was pale.

"Who are you? Why do you want to catch me?" Even though he knew that he was guilty, he still pretended to be innocent.

Fletcher sneered and shouted in a stern voice, "Yaris, don't f*cking pretend to be innocent. Mr. Richards trusted you and promoted you to be the global director, but you betrayed him. How dare you frame the Richards Group about the unauthorized disclosure of classified information? You are really abominable! Now, both Mr. Richards and the law won't be able to forgive you. Do the right thing and follow us. The police are waiting for you."

As he was speaking, Yaris' hand quickly reached into his pocket.

"D*mn it." The people under Fletcher were sharp-eyed and kicked at Yaris' hand. Someone took the opportunity to knock down Yaris and search him, finding a pistol and a sharp knife on him.

"Yaris, you are suspected of a corporate crime and are under arrest." At this time, the police lying in ambush also gathered around and raised the arrest warrant in their hand.

At this point, Yaris knew that he could not escape. So, he lowered his head, with his face full of defeat.

Hansen was standing at the entrance of the corridor, with his gaze sharp and cold. The lights along the corridor shone on his face, and his expression was frigid as he stared at Yaris.

The group of people escorted Yaris towards Hansen.

"Mr., Mr. Richards..." Yaris looked up and saw Hansen standing in front of him. He opened his mouth and stammered, avoiding his eyes.

Hansen sneered and yelled sternly, "Yaris, you have guts. How dare you betray me?"

Yaris' face was full of guilt. He did not dare to look directly into Hansen's eyes. However, his mother had been right in front of him, and the thought of not getting what he'd come here for was unbearable. Yaris was torn with grief. Suddenly, he knelt down and desperately begged. "Mr. Richards, I know that I have done you wrong, but can you please let me see my mother?"

He pleaded loudly as he bowed at Hansen's feet.

Hansen's brows were tightly furrowed. His face was expressionless.

"Mr. Richards, this person is shameless. Don't mind him. Take him back to the police station for interrogation. It's just a matter of time before more trouble occurs." Fletcher was impatient, hastily suggesting from the side.

"Mr. Richards, I beg you. Let me take a look at my mother, just a glance. We both have parents, and I'm sure you know how I feel. I beg you." After hearing Fletcher's words, Yaris became more desperate. He knelt and begged Hansen loudly.

Hansen sighed and loosened his tie. He cast a glance at Yaris' mother's ward.

"Fletcher, take him in to take a look at Elowyn." Hansen suddenly directed Fletcher.

"Mr. Richards, don't." Fletcher objected loudly when he heard this. This guy just tried to take out his pistol to resist arrest. If he was taken to the ward, there would be some trouble.

"It's alright. The police will follow them." Hansen looked at the police beside him and spoke to Fletcher once again.

The person knew how to be filial, which indicated that his conscience had not completely disappeared yet. Hansen could give him this opportunity.


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