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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 595

The radio channels in the vehicle were all occupied with Yaris¹ murder case the night before, which triggered a series of rumors about the Richards Group.

Originally, news on the accusation against the Richard Group's unauthorized disclosure of classified information on luxury cars had already calmed down. Now, due to Yaris' death, the case had once again been brought up.

All sorts of doubt and questions began to arise again.

People were even cursing the Richards Group for being devoid of conscience despite having a long-established reputation, having dared to disclose the country's secrets just for money. It was a chilling sight.

Many people who did not know the truth had begun to hurl abuse at the Richards Group online. They also threatened to boycott the Richards Group's products. It seemed as if the Richards Group had lost all its good reputation overnight, and all kinds of gossip had begun to spread on the Internet.

It was not a good sign for a company that relied on sales and profits. Jenna knew this better than anyone else.

However, there was something else that she was clear on.

With this charge, many ignorant people had begun to oppose the Richards Group. No matter how they looked at it, it was as if someone had deliberately set up a trap.

Someone was trying to destroy the Richards Group and Hansen.

Jenna's hands were shaking as she drove the car.

She did not dare to imagine how Hansen was, and she could not imagine how worried he would be.

Jenna was more troubled about his safety, however. Although the news media had not mentioned that he was injured, she would not be at ease without seeing him personally.

She finally arrived at the International Kinsey Center.

She anxiously stopped the car and walked towards the elevator.

The journey felt like a lifetime. When Jenna reached the 88th floor, Hansen's office was full of people.

Trevor, Claude, Norton, and even Marissa were present.

They were all sitting on the couch, looking solemn.

Hansen was sitting in front of his desk. Although his expression was calm, his face was haggard.

"Hansen, how are you feeling?" Jenna stepped into the office apprehensively and asked Hansen.

When Hansen heard Jenna's voice, he raised his head in surprise.

"Jenna, why are you here?" He stood up and walked towards her.

"Hansen, you didn't get hurt last night, did you?" Jenna looked at him fretfully, forgetting that there were other people in the office. She wanted to personally confirm that Hansen was not hurt.

Looking at the woman's anxious face, Hansen's tiredness from the night before immediately dissipated, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Jenna, don't worry about me. Nothing happened to me." Hansen knew that these things could not be hidden from her. After all, the news media was already in full swing. It was understood that everyone in A City knew about it, what more his own wife. Therefore, Hansen could only comfort Jenna.

"Hansen, such a big thing happened. Why didn't you tell me? You made me worried." Seeing that Hansen was safe and sound, Jenna finally felt relieved, and she couldn't help but to blame him.

With a smile, Hansen took her hand and sat down on the couch on the other side.

"Jenna, you are now pregnant. You shouldn't have come here in a rush. Such a thing is a man's business. You should stay at home and take good care of yourself and the baby." Hansen reminded her as he held her hand.

Jenna sat down on the couch and greeted everyone.

Hansen's eyes were slightly bloodshot, which made her heart ache.


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