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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 612

"Young Master Richards, what should we do with Ezrah now?" Paul asked with a whisper.

Hansen lifted an eyebrow and said lightly, "If we let him go now, then Yadriel will definitely pull a move on him after finding out about this. We'll keep him with us for the time being. We have sent his confession to the higher- ups, and we're waiting for them to take action. You can tell him that we're doing this to protect him."

"Sure, Mr. Richards." Paul nodded. He was about to leave when he heard Hansen saying, "Paul, I need you to follow me for tonight's schedule. I'm treating Johan to dinner."

Paul was startled for a while before he could understand the situation. He nodded.

Hansen stood up. He was preparing himself to get some rest for his schedule later that day.

Hansen wouldn't beg for Johan's help if it was only concerning the Richards Group. However, now that they were trying to find dirt on Yadriel, Hansen had no choice but to ask for Johan's help. Hansen was technically not begging for help, as this was not for himself, but for Luqman's sake.

Hansen thought haughtily and comforted himself.

After Paul left, Hansen climbed into bed and slept soundly.

He only woke up when the sun was about to set.

He freshened up.

Hansen dialed Johan's number.

"Grandpa Johan, I'm Hansen," he said with a faint smile and a gentle tone.

"Hansen, you little brat, you haven't called for so long." Johan picked up the phone with a smile and immediately started to berate him over the phone.

Hansen chuckled. "Grandpa Johan, you're always on my mind. I only didn't want to disrupt you."

"Hmph. Kid, you sound too good to be true. I'll never believe that. Alright, spill it already. Why did you call?" Johan purposely snorted and cut to the chase.

Hansen knew how stubborn Johan could be. So, he couldn't try to force a deal out of him. He could only try to persuade Johan softly.

"Grandpa Johan, I'm now in Capital City, and I'd like to treat you to dinner. Would you like to join me?" Hansen asked respectfully.

After hearing that, Johan was reminded of their last dinner together, and he put on an indistinguishable smile before saying, "I might not let others treat me to dinner, but boy, you're an exception." "Well, then. I'll send someone to pick you up," Hansen replied, smiling.

"You don't have to bother about that. Just send me the address, and I'll have my driver send me over," Johan said. Judging from his loud and clear voice, he was still in great health.

"Sure, I'll see you later then, Grandpa Johan. Thank you." Hansen hung up the phone with a smile.

Johan had favored Hansen since he was a child. Hansen knew how stubborn Johan was. He could be like a child sometimes, where he would be harsh to those he disliked, and spoiled whoever up to his liking. However, of course, Johan only behaved like that in small matters. If it was anything that involved his principles, then Johan would not hold back in his criticism.

Hansen could still remember that he was scolded by Johan in public because of his arrogant behavior at a party. Many socialites and noble families attended that party. However, Johan did not hold back at all when reprimanding him. This embarrassed Hansen greatly to the extent that he refused to call Johan for the next couple of years.

Now that Hansen thought about it, that happened a year after he married Jenna. Hansen was arrogant and rude back then. He regarded himself as more superior than anyone else. His career was going strong, although his love life was a mess. It was the time where Jenna had left for another country. Hansen was frustrated, but then he thought of this as an opportunity for him to regain his freedom. He was self-centered and was full of big talk.

Hansen couldn't recall what he exactly said to have triggered Johan, but he did remember that Johan gave him a scolding in front of everyone else. It was a terrible experience that would be forever etched in his mind.

Hansen had been pampered since he was a child. His high self-esteem was taken down a peg from that experience. Hence, he held a grudge against Johan over the next couple of years.

In fact, when Hansen looked back on it now, it was also after Johan's scolding that he became more mature. After returning to A City from the party, Hansen would often think back on the scolding, especially at midnight. The scolding was effective in improving his communication skills, as well as building up his career.

Hansen smiled helplessly as he thought back on past events.

Hansen was not an exception for having an arrogant and rude history, especially when he grew up in a privileged environment.

Moreover, Hansen did get his lesson later on, where he needed to dedicate even more effort in winning back Jenna.


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