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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 625

Jenna could understand the situation roughly up till then. She thought for a while before saying, "Sabrina, is that what you really want? Everything is possible in the name of love. Norton did hurt you before, and I'd support you if you really have no feelings for him anymore, but if you still have feelings, then I'd advise you to just look past that. He has turned over a new leaf, and I can tell that he's serious about you and that he loves you. No one is flawless, and I believe if one was determined to turn over a new leaf, then they'd only be a better person. If your only concern is with your father, that shouldn't be your concern at all. Trust me, Norton will become more mature in time, and your father will have second thoughts about him."

Jenna said that after much consideration. Norton was a much better candidate than Hansen to be in the business sector with his calculating and shady tactics. Jenna believed that Norton was guaranteed to achieve success after a while, especially with the Richards Group backing him up.

The N&S Group was already growing steadily under Norton's lead. If he was hardworking and earnest enough, then he would eventually stand out.

It was understandable that General Delia couldn't notice how much Norton had changed, but not Sabrina. She saw that he had changed. She knew he had changed. If she gave him more time, then things between them could still work.

Sabrina looked a little lost.

"Sabrina, just wait for a little longer. Perhaps it will take him less than a year to be a successful businessman. By then, your father will definitely see him in a new light. However, the only condition for this to work is that you have to be there for Norton within this year. You have to support him and believe in him. You have to encourage him, and you can't break his heart. Can you do that?" Jenna held her hand in hers as she persuaded with a firm tone.

Tears welled up in Sabrina's eyes as she stared at Jenna.

Jenna smiled at her and said, "Don't worry, General Delia is not an unreasonable person. He has already agreed for you to marry Norton from the beginning. So, he won't be against it all the time. All it takes is for Norton to be dedicated to turning over a new leaf, making himself a successful person. By that time, there's no longer any reason for General Delia to oppose your marriage. You and Norton have to stay in love and be strong together. I believe everything is possible as long as you two are in love."

The Richards family was a noble family, to begin with. If General Delia approved of the Richards family in the first place, it just meant that he acknowledged the Richards family more than the Xanthe family. Assuming that he had no choice but to choose the latter, the Richards family might still have a shot at that. All they had to do was to putthemselves back in an advantageous position. Jenna was confident that General Delia would definitely think twice before finalizing his decision, especially when Norton and Sabrina were in love with each other.

"Jenna, will this work?" Sabrina asked weakly.

"Of course." Jenna put an arm around her shoulders and said sweetly, "Did you forget who I am? I'm now the head of the household of the Richards family, and Hansen is the head of the family. We will visit General Delia when the time is right and propose the idea to him. We will give you and Norton a grand wedding that will satisfy the Delia family. Trust me."

Sabrina's eyes lit up with a bright glint, but it dimmed again. The light in her eyes was shining with uncertainty, insecurity, and hesitation.

"Jenna, Yadriel is still too powerful, especially now when he's still posing a threat to the Richards Group with the accusations. I don't know about this. Also, the Newton family visited today with the wedding in mind. Things are more serious than we think. I don't want the Richards family to be making enemies because of me. I will feel terrible if that happens." Sabrina shook her head in concern after she was reminded of their current situation. She was not foolish to oversee that.

Jenna's heart skipped a beat.

"Sabrina, you're so kind. Norton and the Richards family will be lucky to have you. I'm willing to defend Richards Manor's honor alongside you. Let's work harder and not give up easily, shall we? I believe we can still turn the tables around. With Hansen being in Capital City now, it seems like we are already making progress. Things will be better," Jenna said emotionally with a determined expression, as she held onto Sabrina's hand.

Sabrina squeezed her hand and smiled. She might be affected by Jenna's emotions, but understanding their current situation, she said nothing more.

"Sabrina, I want you to be my family more than anyone else does. So, I'll try my best to help you," Jenna said firmly while holding Sabrina's hand, which was getting slightly colder.

"Jenna, that's what I want too, but things won't happen the way we want them to. In fact, Carmella seems like a great woman, and the Newton family is a prestigious family too. She's smart, she has a career, and she has feelings for Norton. She's willing to marry him. It will be great if Norton marries her," Sabrina said with her head lowered. She was having mixed feelings about that.

"Sabrina, don't be silly. Do you think Norton will be happy if that happens? He loves you. So, how can he marry Carmella? He will never do that, and I know him that well to say it," Jenna said with a sigh.

Sabrina lowered her head and twisted the sheets in her hand. She didn't speak for a long time.

Jenna could see her previous self in Sabrina. She wrapped her arms around Sabrina as she muttered, "Sabrina, trust me. I will do everything I can to help you two."

Sabrina looked a little lost as she fell silent.

"Mom, were you looking for me?" Norton asked as he slowly walked into another room. He looked a little exhausted. Maria was sitting on the couch with a fashion magazine in hand.


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