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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 629

"Then, why did he get involved in this mess? It's not something to be taken lightly." Lilian was puzzled.

"Madam, there must be something we don't know. According to what our team said, it seemed that Hansen had sent someone over to investigate the arms trafficking deal too. We haven't found out the specific reason yet but our people have already begun their investigation on this." Quina analyzed with a suspicious look on her face.

Lilian looked deep in thought. As the president of a multinational company, he should be focusing on his business, but instead he got himself involved in the arms trafficking deal. It might put his life in danger. What was he thinking?

Could there be a connection between the Richards family's crisis and the smuggling?

If this was the case, then the Richards Group would be in an even more dangerous position. These smugglers were desperate people, who were capable of doing the most dangerous of things. Nobody in their right mind would cross paths with these smugglers besides those involved in politics, or military personnel. There could only be one reason if Hansen was doing this on purpose. These smugglers or the evidence from the arms trafficking deal must have had something to do with the Richards Group's crisis. Perhaps he was just doing this out of concern for civilians! However, why would a businessman get himself involved in a thankless task and put himself in an unenviable situation?

If that was the case, then why didn't he report it to the authorities in Capital City?

Lilian pondered over with her head lowered. If lodging a report would work, then they never would have taken this in their own hands.

"Well, Quina, in the name of the United Nations, please request the neighbouring countries to send their government armies for an ambush nearby. Wait for the perfect opportunity to capture these criminals at once," Lilian ordered.

"Sure, Madam," Quina answered immediately with a smile.

"Also, try to avoid sacrificing the innocent. Send some of our people over first. Try your best to protect Hansen's people," Lilian said thoughtfully.

"Yes, Madam. Don't worry," Quina replied immediately. She could tell how much Lilian cared for the Richards family. She then said, "Madam, I will make sure they get caught as long as the deal goes through. I'm just worried that they will either postpone or cancel the deal once they know our motives.

Lilian only responded with a smile.

It was the third night since Hansen arrived in Capital City.

For the past two days, he had been strategizing with Luqman, and they managed to put a stop to Yadriel's likely victory in the election. That noon, the polling results were announced. The race between Luqman and Yadriel was a tie.

This was great news to Luqman. Meanwhile, this indicated the beginning of a series of unfortunate events for Yadriel.

Yadriel was flustered and exasperated. He had to put in more effort and pay more attention to the upcoming election.

The results were completely beyond Yadriel's expectations. He was furious.

"Young Master Richards, I have you to thank for today's result. It's bold how you managed to let me reach a tie with Yadriel. I still feel surreal about this." Luqman was delighted to taste victory finally. "How about this? Let's head out for a celebratory meal."

Hansen smiled, hiding his domineering side, as he said, "Chief, it's still too early for that. Let's start planning for the next election."

"Sure." Luqman agreed. He was a veteran in politics. He knew it'd be too early to judge if he had won the fight against Yadriel. They had to focus on getting evidence against Yadriel if they wanted to stop him once and for all.

"I'm planning to head home tomorrow," Hansen said. He missed his wife, who was far away in the A City. His smile fell as he was reminded of Liya's presence in Richards Manor. He was worried.

"Sure, we can slow things down a little for the next couple of days. But, Young Master Richards, please make sure you'll return soon," Luqman said, nodding. He noticed the longing and concern in Hansen's expression. He could tell that Hansen missed being near his wife and child.

Luqman looked at Hansen's tired face and bid farewell to him to allow him to get some rest.

Hansen then stood up and freshened himself in the bathroom. Later, he pushed open the windows.

It was dark outside. It was a remote place. The dim street lights painted several faint circles in the warm night sky.

"Jenna, are you okay? Did you miss me? Have you been careful for the past few days?" Hansen asked over the phone with a sweet and tender voice that melted Jenna's heart.

"Hansen." Jenna sat up in bed as she answered Hansen's phone. Her cheeks flushed as she said, "I miss you. How are things going on over there?"

Her voice was sweet and pleasing to the ear. Hansen couldn't help but to smile, and his expression was filled with doting tenderness.

"Don't worry. Your husband is a capable man. I can solve pretty much everything." Hansen boasted about himself over the phone.

Jenna almost laughed out loud upon hearing this. Hansen had his domineering side, and Jenna liked this about him.

She loved his confidence!

"That's great, then. Please settle them quickly. I've been waiting for you to come back home, everyday and every single minute," Jenna said with a pout.

"Mr. Richards, watch out." Paul dashed into the room suddenly and pushed Hansen away. Hansen was completely immersed in the conversation with Jenna that he failed to notice the danger that was approaching him. A bullet was fired at him.

"Who is it?" Hansen fell to the side after being pushed by Paul. The bullet whistled past Hansen's ear and was shot directly into the wall. Hansen came to his senses and shouted, "Paul, get him."

Paul looked out of the window with his eagle-like and sharp eyes. A dark shadow was seen leaping off the platform just below the window and landed on the ground.

"Stop right there," Paul shouted angrily and leaped out of the window.

Hansen threw his phone aside as he stared towards the direction the dark shadow fled to. The corners of his mouth curled up into a cold and terrifying smirk.

Hansen turned around and ran towards the stairs.


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