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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 632

Jenna was lying in the lounge. Her eyes were closed and her hands were on her belly. Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes and fell silently on the pillow.

She thought to herself, "Hansen, please be safe. You must hold on. Wait for me. I will find a way to save you."

The news that Hansen Richards, the president of Richards Group from A City, being taken away was reported in all the major news outlets. With that, rumours started spreading like wildfire and the Richards Group's stock prices crashed. Richards Group fell into a state of chaos.

All of the sudden, Richards Group was in a dire situation.

Back at Richards Manor, Trevor remained calm and composed. Panic permeated the air as the news of the head of the family being taken away spread. It was an unprecedented crisis for the Richards family. Fear and unease were written plainly on the servants' faces.

The weather was sunny but it was gloomy in Richards Manor.

Jenna lay down in the lounge, tossing and turning, but couldn't seem to calm herself down. Her mind was full of the horrible images of Hansen covered in blood from her nightmare the previous night.

She felt as though her heart was being clenched by a sharp claw. The pain was piercing.

She picked up her phone and started calling Hansen, but the reply from the other end of the line always sounded, "I'm sorry. The number you have dialed is unavailable." The distant tone of the automated message was giving her a headache!

She couldn't stay still. She checked her cell phone every few minutes, worried that she might miss any updates about Hansen.

However, her cell phone remained silent the entire morning. She fell gradually into despair.

During lunch time, she acted as if nothing had happened and forced herself to finish a bowl of soup and a plate of spaghetti. Her hands were trembling gently the entire time as she ate.

She was the head of the family. So, she could not panic at this time.

Everyone was counting on her to lead and guide the family through this difficult time.

People tried to be nice by saying that Hansen had just been taken away but they knew clearly that Hansen was in fact arrested.

Marissa's eyes were swollen from crying and she was absent at lunch.

Although Trevor was as calm as ever and had managed to have the overall situation under control, Jenna could clearly see the pain hidden in the depths of his eyes.

She was pregnant. So, she knew Trevor would hate to see if she appeared agitated or anxious.

Hence, she wore a calm smile on her face.

She returned to the guest room after the meal.

She was exhausted mentally and physically since she could not sleep the night before. She was tossing and turning in bed and kept having nightmares. Her entire mind was occupied by images of Hansen.

She could not imagine the chaotic situation in the company. She knew it was about time for her to show up and take control of the situation.

She stood up and walked towards the Green Jade Garden.

Hansen had once given her a set of office keys. They were keys to all the offices of the Richards Group, including the storage of the confidential documents, as well as the official seals of the Richards Group. With the seals and documents, she would be able to give orders in the Richards Group.

As she was no longer the vice president of the

Richards Group, she had to bring the keys with her if she wished to return to the company.

She went upstairs with dainty steps and went to take a look at Jerry.

Aunt Ella was aware of the situation and knew about the rumors spreading amongst the servants. She looked at Jenna worriedly when she entered the room.

Jenna smiled gently.

Jerry was taking a quiet afternoon nap when she walked in.

"Madam, don't worry. Old Master Richards had a similar encounter when he was still around. He even went to jail for half a year. It won't happen again this time." Aunt Ella consoled her softly as tears welled up in her eyes.

Aunt Ella was an old servant of the family. So, Jenna wasn't surprised to hear that she knew about Old Master Richards' past. Looking into her worried eyes, she smiled and said, "Aunt Ella, don't worry. Believe me, I won't let Hansen go to jail. Please take good care of Jerry."

Aunt Ella wiped her tears. Jenna's calmness made her slightly more at ease. "Mrs. Richards, don't worry. I will take care of Jerry well. You can focus on what you need to do. You're pregnant. So, please don't tire yourself out."

Aunt Ella nagged while Jenna smiled and nodded. She returned to her bedroom and found the keys. There was an endless abyss in her eyes as she held the keys tightly in her hands.

"Jenna, I love you. These are the keys to my office. I will hand them to you now. Perhaps you will need them soon. I will give you everything, including myself. Please take good care of them in the future."

Hansen's warm voice and his clear message rang in her ears. Tears welled up in her eyes as she recalled the scene. She bit her lips hard and forced to get herself together.

The president of the Richards Group had been taken away!


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