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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 659

A large-scale press conference was taking place in the audience hall of the Richards Group.

Mr. Olsen led the Richards family's legal team and provided the evidence that defended the Richards Group's innocence. Capital City attached great importance to it. Hence, after considering the business quality of the Richards Group, the higher level authorities quickly delivered the verdict that the charge against the Richards Group was dismissed and they would reopen the case. Given that Sky Sword Group was suspected of framing the Richards Group, they were ordered to close their business. After that, they were officially banned and shut out by the authorities.

The charge against the Richards Group was removed, and Sky Sword Group was officially outlawed.

The news media began to report fervently that Sky Sword Group had framed the Richards Group. At the same time, the press conference held by Norton and Jenna in the International Kinsey Center's grand hall was proceeding magnificently.

This press conference was held with great momentum. Famous media companies from A City and overseas were present. Of course, this was carefully arranged by Jenna.

During the meeting, the authorities of Capital City sent their special envoys over to convey their greetings. At the same time, they also distributed congratulatory banners to the Richards Group. As a result, the Richards Group was rewarded with many beneficial development policies and support that would be advantageous to its development.

Jenna meticulously explained the process of Sky Sword Group framing Richards Group on the luxury cars' leak in the press conference. She also fielded various questions from the media reporters in detail, generously and euphemistically.

In the end, Jenna made a solemn promise to the future development of the Richards Group and the development direction of the luxury car. She described a beautiful blueprint and took this opportunity to reveal the Richard Group's brand new luxury car brand. She created the logo of the unified luxury car in the world, and the main logo of the brand was the shell kept in Hansen's office. On the shell, there was a car model designed by Hansen with her.

The purpose of her doing this was to let the N&S Group be the beginning of Norton's career advancement. He would own brand new shares of the company, and he would be the only president of the N&S Group.

Meanwhile, the luxury car of the Richards Group was selected to start over again. After these travails, Capital City generated a lot of preferential policies, which was very conducive for the luxury cars of the Richards Group to start from the beginning.

In this structure, Norton's N&S Group managed to prosper. During the interval between the reconstruction process of Richards Group luxury cars, N&S Group ushered in the beginning of its career and gradually developed further. Later on, it positively competed with the Richards Group's luxury cars, which were equally on par in quality and taste.

The world's automotive market was gradually dominated by the Richards Group, N&S Group, and Whalen Group, the three major brand companies.

The luxury cars developed by the three companies bore their own characteristics. There would be relative competition, but the companies were still focused on creating a new road for each other. Therefore, their competition was benign. Even the leaders of the three companies often had contact. Through their interactions, this would bring new energy to the car market. With the continuous increase of the world's living standards, the demand for luxury cars became more extensive, and the interests in luxury cars grew vast.

The streets of A City were spanned with colorful neon lights, blooming beautifully and enchantingly.

Jenna sat in the back seat. She stood in the night sky and looked at this bustling and familiar street. A dim sadness rose within her heart.

She was far away from Hansen and had no idea how his situation was. It had been three days since they last talked. The panic and unease in her heart clenched her heart like a curse.

The press conference came to an end.

John drove her back to Richards Manor.

After returning to Richards Manor, she did not rush back to the Ink Garden. Instead, she returned to the Green Jade Garden.

While taking a stroll in the back garden, she could feel the cool night breeze, but it could not blow away the sadness in her heart. She stood firmly under a hibiscus tree. The pale moonlight shone on her through the shadows of the trees, making her figure long and vague.

That day, they had hugged each other, and Hansen had promised her countless requests. No matter which one, he'd answered her attentively. However, more than a year had whizzed past, and so many changes had taken place. They didn't even have time to fully understand the meaning of happiness. Waves and waves of predicaments crashed in one after another, and their dreams were crushed to smithereens.

After standing for a while, Jenna felt her energy draining. Finally, she sat down on the stone bench and stroked her belly with her hands, with her heart taken over by fear.

The Richards Group's celebration was held that day. Their charge was successfully dropped, which greatly boosted their morale. At that moment, they were all relieved. The members of Richards Manor were all elated. After all, this charge had been looming large in the Richards Group for too long. It would be a great pleasure for them to have eliminated their charges that day.

However, Jenna's heart was extremely heavy. She curled up in the darkness and half closed her eyes.

She had only told Hansen about the Ocean Heart. If anyone could share this fear and worry with her, then it would have to be Hansen. Yet, she did not know his whereabouts.

After sitting in the darkness for a while, she slowly walked out. As Jenna passed by the lemon tree, she stopped briefly.

In those days, she had been concerned about his safety and stood there waiting for him.

She touched the lemon tree gently, and her face was stained with tears.

Raising her head, she vaguely saw that the tall and sturdy figure was holding the little woman in his arms. The two of them laughed and walked into the living room.

"Jenna, don't worry."


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