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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 669

The rays of the morning sun gradually conquered the canopy of darkness that hung over the Richards Manor. A faint layer of mist enveloped the place. The entire mansion was shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere. It was exceptionally sorrowful.

When Jenna opened her eyes, she found herself in the guest room with a quilt covering her body.

She was stunned, and her eyes shone with confusion. She didn't know where she was.

The funeral music in Ink Garden drifted in like the sound of a weeping song, accompanied by bouts of noisy chatter. Soon, she came to her senses. Grandma Vivian's funeral was still going on, and she had slept in the guest room the previous night.

She hurriedly got up and walked into the bathroom. In front of the mirror of the marble counter, there was her reflection. It was a slightly tan face, and pyjamas illustrated with a smiling cartoon bunny.

What was going on?

Jenna's hand, which was holding the toothpaste tube, stiffened.

The night before, she had been wearing a maternity dress. Why was she wearing these pyjamas?

Who had changed it for her?

Her heart skipped a beat when she thought of how someone had changed her clothes the previous night. Her cheeks began to flush red.

Then, she hurriedly pulled open her pants. The person had even changed her underwear for her!

Her face quickly became hot.

Who helped her to change? It was impossible that it was Sabrina. She would never help her get changed.

The scene from the previous night gradually came to her mind.

It was about four in the morning, maybe later.

She was sitting in front of Vivian's memorial tablet, her head heavy and her eyelids twitching.

At that moment, everyone in the mourning hall was in a state of drowsiness, until a series of footsteps could be heard.

She seemed to be half asleep when she opened her eyes.

She saw two wild-looking men.

They had dishevelled grey hair and dirty faces. Their bodies were covered in sand. She couldn't see their faces clearly, but their bodies reeked of blood.

They knelt down in front of Vivian's memorial tablet and bowed deeply. She seemed to be able to hear the man's painful sobs. She wanted to stand up, but the smell of blood made her stomach churn. As she struggled to stand up, her vision went dark...

The doorbell rang.

She went out.

"Madam, we're here to examine you." The entire medical team of the Richards family entered the room. They all behaved with utmost respect.

Jenna was stunned for a moment, and then she understood. She said with a smile, "No, it's alright. I'm busy today. You see, it is Vivian's funeral ceremony, well be expecting guests."

As soon as she said that, all of them panicked and pleaded with her. "Madam, if you don't let us perform a checkup for you, then we will lose our jobs."

"Is it that serious?" Jenna smiled disapprovingly.

"Yes, Madam. We might even get a punishment ten times worse than this." Dr. Parker, the head of the medical team, begged. "Madam, let us examine your condition. You fainted last night, and we were scolded by the chairman the whole



Jenna stood, gaping. After a while, there was a sparkling light in her eyes.

"It's Hansen. He's back, isn't he?" she asked anxiously.

"Yes." All the experts in the medical team nodded and answered almost at the same time, "Yes."

Jenna's heart jumped and her body started getting pumped with adrenaline. She couldn't wait any longer. So, she tried running outside without thinking.

"Madam, you can't go." She was soon brought back to the room by them. In other words, she had been brought back against her will.

They all surrounded her. After a series of hands pulling and pushing her, she was forced to lie on the bed.

Then, they began to take out the required instruments and started the checkup.

With such actions, Jenna could only allow them to carry out their inspection.

The medical team assigned to her by Hansen was an all-female team of orthopedic experts. This was because he had refused to allow any men to examine his wife.

"Madam, I'm sorry, but please listen to us for now." "Madam, after you fainted last night, Mr. Richards was so angry that he scolded us one by one. If you leave today, then our careers will be over. We will only be able to starve to death on the street. Please let us do this checkup."

"Yes, Madam. When Mr. Richards came back last night and you fainted, he looked furious. We were all called over and got scolded in the middle of the night."

"Madam, our salary this month has been deducted by Mr. Richards. It's awful."


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