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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 689

The atmosphere in the guest room was filled with all kinds of unease.

As Madam Lilian walked around the room, she felt tired. As soon as she sat down on the couch, she saw Quina rushing back anxiously.

"Madam, no one has seen Jenna and Hansen in the mansion the whole day," Quina said in a hurry.

In a daze, Madam Lilian's face turned pale, as if some part of her body was missing. She felt a heart-wrenching pain and panicked.

"Speak slowly, dear." She calmed herself down, and a sharp light flashed in her eyes, which had only sharpened over time.

"Madam, I went to the mansion. It's heavily guarded inside, but no one saw Jenna go out. Later, Trevor told me that Hansen and Jenna had hurried out today. They said that they went to the Francist Community. But why did they go there? Neither of them explained it to the family. It's said that they had gone there to pick up Sara. However, they were nowhere to be seen. When they called them, they just said that they were busy. They were not seen later for the whole night. The Richards family is also waiting for Hansen's and Jenna's return for Vivian's funeral to proceed," Quina explained.

When it came to Sara, Madam Lilian's eyebrows furrowed together tightly, and the anxiety in her eyes became obvious.

"What happened after that?" She continued to ask.

Rarely did Quina see Madam Lilian so anxious. She understood and replied, "Later, I rushed to the Francist Community, but I received some shocking news."

"What? Tell me." Madam Lilian's entire body tensed up as she urged.

"Madam, Sara had disappeared since yesterday morning," Quina said anxiously. After she finished, she looked at Madam Lilian with worry. She was afraid that Madam Lilian could not stand this.

"I'm too late." Madam Lilian's face instantly turned pale. She seemed to have aged ten years in a few seconds. She muttered with bitter hatred in her heart.

"Madam, don't worry." Quina bent down and patted Madam Lilian's back as she comforted.

After a brief period of grief, Madam Lilian finally calmed down.

"What about now? Have they found Jenna and Hansen?" Madam Lilian asked in a deep voice.

Quina's face was gloomy. She shook her head and said, "When we went to Sara's room, only Bailey was there. She told me Hansen and Jenna were in a hurry to find out Sara's whereabouts when they found out that she was missing. After leaving last night, they haven't come back. Bailey is also worried. She even cried."

Madam Lilian paused and took a step back.

"Madam, don't worry too much. Mr. Hansen is not an ordinary person. He will save Sara." Quina immediately comforted her. She could not bear to see Lilian so sad.

"It's really not over yet." Madam Lilian calmed herself down and suddenly smiled coldly.

Quina looked at her in confusion.

"Did Trevor tell you about the Ocean Heart?" she asked calmly.

Quina was unsure about the Ocean Heart. She had never even heard of it before. She immediately shook her head and said, "Madam, according to my observation, he does not seem to know that the Richards family has such a treasure. This is really strange. Trevor is the eldest son in the family. How couldn't he know? Perhaps this treasure is really just a myth."

"That's it." Madam Lilian understood. She couldn't help but to give praise. "Vivian is so wise. It's no wonder this treasure was able to stay safe in Richards Manor for so many years. That's the only reason."

Hearing this, Quina became more and more curious. She looked back with a full face of doubt.

Madam Lilian sighed at Vivian's wisdom in her heart. The rumors said that the treasure did not belong to anyone for more than three years. However, she stayed with Vivian for twenty years. It was not until she passed away that it set off a great storm. The treasure was not as evil as others said. It just depended on the owner's wisdom.

Those who wanted this treasure would use it to show off. What could such a treasure bring to them if not disaster?

However, Vivian had a completely different approach. She was cautious and secretive. Even her own son and grandson did not know of the existence of such a treasure in the mansion. According to her estimate, all these years in the mansion, only Meroy, who was by her side, knew.

One would never feel fulfilled with wealth. Now that news of the treasure had leaked out, it had brought disaster to the Richards Family. Not only would this misfortune land on Meroy, but so many other people as well.

Would her granddaughter, Jenna, be able to take on such a heavy responsibility?

"Quina, how many people did we bring?" she asked in a deep voice.

"Madam, although we did not bring many people, they have all been active in A City recently and are familiar with the situation here," Quina immediately replied.


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