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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 701

"Don't you want to save Richards Manor?" He finally stirred from his train of thought and continued to question Hansen.

"That's why I'm starting to negotiate the terms with you now," Hansen said straightforwardly.

"What's your condition?" Yadriel narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice.

Hansen raised his head. The light in his eyes was gloomy. He said word by word, "Remove the two terrorists. Then, I'll give you the diamond. That's my condition."

Yadriel narrowed his eyes at Hansen in the video.

He stood firmly, ignoring his own life and death. He only wanted Yadriel to let go of Richards Manor.

Wasn't he afraid of death?

The reason he came that day was most likely because he was prepared to die. Once Yadriel had obtained the Ocean Heart, he wouldn't let Hansen go either.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, he had the courage to come here. He also discussed the terms with him, only to protect his family. Yadriel had some admiration for Hansen in his heart. However, it was a pity that they were not friends.

"What makes you think that I will agree to your conditions?" Yadriel was silent for a moment before he asked.

A disdainful sneer appeared on Hansen's face.

"You want the Ocean Heart, and you want to kill me and destroy my mansion. That is too greedy of you. Think about it. How is this possible? I am not a fool. If you want me dead, then I'll gladly cooperate. But you must let go of the mansion. This is my bottom line. Otherwise, I will destroy the jewel. You'll never have it." Hansen analyzed.

Yadriel had already lost so much to obtain the Ocean Heart. Even his own son had died. At that moment, he would not give it up.

At that time, Yadriel couldn't help but to feel frightened after hearing what Hansen said. If he wanted to have a better future, to reappear in the European political arena, then he needed money. If he didn't have money, then it would make no difference. Everything he did was for this treasure. How could he allow it to be destroyed?

He thought about it for a while.

If he agreed to Hansen's request to let the two terrorists leave the mansion and surrender them to the police, then he would lose the leverage to exact revenge. However, Hansen would not be able to escape from his hands that evening. Richards Manor and the Richards Group were so large. If Hansen was no longer around, then would there still be a rich and powerful Richards family?

The answer was obvious.

What a painful thing it would be for Trevor to lose his only son. He bet Trevor would want to die more than to live after Hansen's death. In fact, it could torture even more people.

He was articulating the whole situation, and his eyes shone with light. After a while, he agreed. "Okay, I promise you."

As soon as Yadriel agreed, Hansen's nervous heart was finally set at ease, and his whole body relaxed.

"Then, ask the two terrorists to turn themselves in." Hansen shouted from the other end, "After that, I'll consider giving you the Ocean Heart."

After thinking for a while, Yadriel said, "I will order them to show themselves. After they turn themselves in, you must take five steps to the left. There will be someone coming over to get the diamond."

He took a step back and made the final arrangement.


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