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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 720

In the bedroom on the second floor of Green Jade Garden.

Jerry was in Jenna's and Hansen's bed, jumping up and down in excitement.

Ever since Vivian had fallen ill and passed away, the entire Green Jade Garden was cold and quiet. Grandpa and Grandma, and even his parents had all moved into the Ink Garden. Jerry found it exceedingly difficult to meet them. To Jerry, this was too cheerless, and he felt as if he was being neglected.

Therefore, when Hansen and Jenna had returned to Green Jade Garden that day, he was on cloud nine.

This kind of family affection gave Jerry an extra dose of happiness, and he didn't want to let his mother and father sleep at all.

"Mom, that old lady is so kind today. Me likey." Jerry put his hands behind his back and said in a grown-up manner.

Jenna was cleaning her clothes when she heard Jerry. She couldn't help tittering.

"Jerry, how about letting you follow this Grandma to an English elite school next year? What do you think?" She took the opportunity to ask him.

Jerry blinked his eyes and asked curiously, "Does she live in England?"

Jenna nodded. "Well, more or less."

"Oh." Jerry seemed to be swimming in his thoughts, but he still shook his head and said, "I cannot bear to leave you and Dad. I don't want to leave you all."

Jenna had been thinking of sending Jerry to an elite school abroad for a long time.

For Jenna, this elite school in England was the ideal choice. It was not as fancy as people thought, advocating for luxury, comfort, and whatnot. Instead, it carried out a strict management system and tough training from childhood. The students would be sleeping on hard beds and eating coarse and simple meals. It was even more of a rigorous regime than normal schools.

Jenna wanted to cultivate Jerry into someone who was well-educated, responsible, self-disciplined, and practised good habits. This was essential to every head of Richards Manor. Richards Manor had made a rule that the eldest grandchild who was not strictly nurtured by the aristocratic schools could never inherit the position of the head of the family. Even though Jerry might not become the head in the future, she still had to consider it at this stage.

It was just like Hansen who had spent most of his time sacrificing his own happiness and life to protect Richards Manor and Claude. This form of noblesse oblige had been instilled in them from a young age.

Jenna walked over and patted Jerry's head while she said with a smile, "Silly child, you're still young, but you'll have to go sooner or later. I'm already trying to secure your degree in line."

"Then, let's hold it off. Right now, I just want to be together with you and Dad." Jerry grabbed the opportunity to hurl himself into Jenna's embrace, acting like a spoiled child. Jenna looked at him, and her heart turned soft and was filled with love.

Jerry looked more and more like Hansen. His tall, straight nose, and beautiful curved lips were just a chip off the old block.

"Mom, that nasty woman has finally been caught, and she will never come to steal Dad again. I'm extremely happy." Jerry's head was rubbing against Jenna's arms, and he was very cheerful.

Jenna smiled and added, "Jerry, Dad belongs to you and no woman can take him away."

"But that woman will take him away, and she'll even harm me." Remembering Liya would make him think of the scene of her pushing him into the water, and Jerry's heart was still fluttering with fear, with his dread palpable.

"Don't worry, such a thing will never happen again." Jenna hugged him tightly, feeling guilty as she patted his head and softly consoled him.


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