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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 759

"Alright." Hansen agreed readily.

At that moment, Lilian was standing beside him and he could feel her breath hitch while he gave Sara an update on Jenna. Once he was done, she heaved a sigh of relief. He, too, exhaled deeply.

In the past year, Lilian had done her best to conceal Jenna's death from Sara. The reason she was able to hide it so well was also because of Hansen.

Regardless, Sara's health was their utmost priority. They were going to wait until she had fully recovered before breaking the news to her.

This was both Hansen's and Lilian's plan.

"Where's Jerry? Has he been naughty? He must not bully his baby sister," Sara asked with a smile.

Hansen cleared his throat and replied with a smile, "Jerry has been enrolled in the Royal National Academy in England. He said he is going to study diligently and make all of you proud."

Hansen smiled brightly when he talked about Jerry.

Hansen did not dare to bring Jerry to visit Sara because he had witnessed Jenna fall off the cliff firsthand. He was afraid that Jerry would not be able to bite his tongue and accidentally bring up Jenna's death.

Therefore, he often recorded videos of Jerry for Sara to dispel her doubts.

"It'll be hard for Jerry to go abroad and study at a young age." Sara was a little worried when she heard this.

"Don't worry. Jerry is very sensible. I'm sure he will be able to adapt to the environment." Hansen comforted her.

"Mom, starting from tomorrow, I will be heading over to Srirano for work. I may not be able to visit you as much. You should rest well, and don't worry too much." Hansen purposely came over to say his goodbyes. He wanted to inform her that he would not be able to visit her as frequently as he did then.

"Alright. No matter how busy you are at work, you must still pay attention to your health. If you are too busy, then you don't have to come. You can just call," Sara said with concern, nodding. As soon as she said this, she realized something and said, "Why, it's been a long time since Jenna called me."

Call? Hansen felt a slight headache arising as soon as she mentioned it.

In the past year, he had searched high and low before he came across a woman who sounded like Jenna. He would then record her voice and let Sara hear it. Sometimes, he would ask the woman to talk to Sara over the phone. Of course, that was only possible when Hansen was able to meet up with the woman. These phone calls were able to dispel Sara's doubt. However, he would not be able to make these kinds of phone calls to Sara in the future.

"Mom, Jenna will be joining me in Srirano once she's done with her confinement. There's a batch of drawings she needs to get done. Things are going to get busy and we might not have the time to call you." Hansen quickly came up with an excuse. He did not know how he was going to smooth things over.

Fortunately, Sara was very rational. She immediately nodded and said, "Oh, that's right. Work is more important. At the same time, you have a reputation to uphold. I can understand."

Hansen heaved a sigh of relief.

Ever since Hansen arrived, Madam Lilian spoke very little. She maintained a grave expression on her face.

The family chatted casually while they strolled along the beach.

Soon after, Sara felt a little tired. Hansen took the wheelchair from Madam Lilian and pushed her into the house.

"Hansen, we cannot keep her in the dark like this," Madam Lilian said anxiously as they made their way to the back garden after Sara fell asleep.

Hansen's handsome face darkened. He was silent.

She was right. Sara would eventually find out the truth.


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