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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 764

The plane was flying through the clouds in the blue sky.

With his glasses on, Hansen rested his eyes in the first-class cabin.

Alvin, who was seated next to him, said softly, "Mr. Richards, John and I did an investigation on the automobile companies owned by people from Tamberland. There are not many families with the last name Yintern, but there is one from Capital City and they own a company. However, they are involved in automotive design, not so much in developing luxury cars. They have subsidiaries that produce cars overseas."

"Oh?" Hansen's expression changed. "Which company are you referring to?"

"Mr. Richards, I was referring to the Yintern Group. The Yintern family is one of the most notable families in Capital City. They can be described as a scholarly family. Although Laisoman Yintern has never served in the army, he was appointed as a government official. He has two sons and a daughter. After he passed away, his second son, Genaro Yintern, has been very active in Srirano. He moved the Yintern Group to Srirano. The company is very reputable in Srirano. The company's main business is to produce cars for the locals. But it is just enough to meet the country's demands. The car quality isn't that high, even so, it is popular," Alvin explained in detail.

"So, you're saying that the Yintern Group is now based in Srirano?" When Hansen heard this, he sat forward and showed a strong interest. For a moment, an indescribable feeling arose in his heart.

"Sounds about right," Alvin answered. He was a little puzzled. He did not understand why Hansen was so fascinated with that company.

"Alright, I understand." Hansen pondered as he leaned back in his seat. He then closed his eyes to rest.

As soon as they got off the plane, Maloney Whitlock, the general manager of the Richards Group in Srirano, greeted them with a group of senior executives.

"Hello, Mr. Richards, Mr. Robertson." She had a big smile on her face, and her words were clear and confident. Only a glance and one would know that she was an alpha female.

"Yes, nice to meet you, Miss Whitlock." Under Alvin's guidance, Hansen nodded his head gently.

Maloney used to be the manager of the design department in the company's headquarters. She was extremely smart, competent and was highly appreciated by Hansen.

Once the project in Srirano had been given the green light, Hansen had decided to transfer her over and appointed her as the general manager. After all, this project was very important. It involved several international companies. Hansen did not dare to be careless.

The group of people made their way into their own luxury cars. A fleet of luxury cars that was a rare sight in Srirano then made their way to the company in a grandiose manner.

The cars were very eye- catching. The reporters quickly took pictures of it. Even the pedestrians on the street also came to check out the cars.

As soon as they arrived at the company, a representative from the government of Srirano came up and greeted Hansen. He even presented a token of appreciation. Moreover, the news that the President of Srirano was about to meet with Hansen had been conveyed and discussed in detail.

Hansen had initially intended to stay here for a few months to supervise the development of the company personally. He immediately decided on the time and schedule after discussing with Maloney.

In this way, the news that Hansen had arrived in Srirano and that he was about to be received by the President of Srirano was quickly reported by the media. The public also showed great interest and goodwill in Hansen's investment.

By the time he was done dealing with these trivial matters, it was already noon.

"Mr. Richards, today is Master Adames's birthday. Our company received his birthday invitation a few days ago." As soon as Hansen was done looking through the documents, he saw Maloney approaching him with a smile, with a platinum-colored invitation card in her hand.

As the former manager of the design department, she knew the importance of Master Adames to the company's luxury cars. Therefore, as soon as most of the problems had been resolved, she took the invitation card and came over to ask Hansen for his opinion.

Hansen raised his brows and used his hand to prop up his glasses.

"It's a must for us to attend his birthday banquet. What time does it start?" he asked without hesitation.

"At seven o'clock," Maloney clearly replied.

"Oh, what time is it now?" "Mr. Richards, it's twenty-five minutes past twelve." "Okay, I'll attend the banquet tonight." Hansen tapped his fingers on his office desk and said decisively, "It's settled then."

"Alright then, Mr. Richards."

She answered with a gentle smile and said carefully, "I've already made a reservation for lunch in theGaladari Hotel. I've also booked the presidential suite there for the duration of your stay."


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