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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 773

Melvin approached her and caught her swaying body. Pressing his lips close to her ear, he whispered, "Miss Lexantra, you're really adorable. I don't like to play games. It's more fun to be direct. I concocted this cocktail specially for you to ensure that we'll have a romantic and memorable time together."

Jenna's head was getting heavier and heavier, and she could barely hear what he was saying. She only knew that her vision was starting to get more and more blurry by the second, her head was spinning, and her body was going limp.

Melvin stared at Jenna's face with a cold smile on his face.

On the other side of the living room,

Alvin quickly left Jenna's side and headed in Hansen's direction.

"Mr. Richards, I've found her. I've found Miss Lexantra." He said excitedly the moment he sat down beside Hansen.

"Really?" Hansen's eyes lit up, as if a ray of light had pierced through his darkened vision. With a look of excitement, he stood up and said, "Where is she? Lead the way."

Alvin stood up immediately as well and placed a hand on his arm. "Calm down, Mr. Richards. She doesn't know who I am. I suspect that the situation is much more complicated than we anticipated. If we don't maintain our composure, we may end up alerting the enemy."

"What? A complicated situation?" A cold light flashed across Hansen's eyes and his handsome face was etched with rage. "Who dares to provoke my woman? This person must have a death wish!"

Alvin's face was grim as he said, "I'm sure that the woman is Miss Lexantra, but when I went forward to talk to her, she didn't remember me. I did some digging and found out that she's the current girlfriend of Yintern's Group's CEO. What's more, Melvin seemed to be very interested in her and was pestering her."

Alvin recalled the desirous look on Melvin's face when he left and quickly informed Hansen about it.

When Hansen heard this, his heart raced with anxiety, he could no longer stay calm. "Alvin, take me to Jenna right now," he urged.

So, she was now Yintern's girlfriend. This was absurd. It was simply absurd. But Hansen had no time to think about it right now. First, he needed to see Jenna. There had always been a special bond between them. He couldn't imagine that Jenna would be willing to be someone else's girlfriend, just as he had been devoted to her.

Alvin hurriedly nodded and said, "Mr. Richards, no matter what, don't be too excited. I don't know if it is really a complicated situation. After all, this is Srirano, and both Yintern and you are people of power and status."

Alvin pulled Hansen towards Jenna's direction as he spoke.

At this moment, Hansen's emotions were running high. Jenna didn't die. She was still alive.

Sure enough, his intuition was right. Their hearts were linked.

Their love must have touched the heavens, allowing them to finally meet in Srirano. The two of them could finally reunite!

With adrenaline pumping through his veins, he followed Alvin's footsteps.

At this moment, he really wished he could see her. He had missed her terribly and thought of her day and night.

Unfortunately, his vision was still a little blurry.

"Hey, where did she go?" By the time Alvin and Hansen arrived at the spot where Alvin last saw Jenna, she was nowhere to be seen.

Alvin's heart sank. Recalling Melvin's unrestrained behavior earlier, he immediately questioned the people around him.

"You're talking about Mr. Yintern's girlfriend, right?" Someone nearby had seen her and said, "She just left with Melvin."

"What? She went with Melvin?"

This time around, it wasn't just Hansen who was getting anxious. Even Alvin was starting to panic.

Melvin had malicious intentions towards Jenna and was a well-known playboy. If Jenna fell into his hands, the consequences would be...

When Hansen heard this, his forehead broke out in a cold sweat. "Hurry, Alvin. Let's split up and look for them," he ordered in a low voice.

"But Mr. Richards, but what about your eyes?" Alvin felt uneasy.

"Don't worry about me. Just look for them. Hurry!" Hansen roared in a low voice.

Alvin dared not retort and hurried off to look for her.

Hansen began his search as well, fumbling around.


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