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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 776

"Don't worry. Someone has already dealt with him, and I've forced him to apologize. I'm sure this kind of thing will never happen again." Sitting on the edge of the bed with a look of concern on his face, he asked, "Are you all right? How are you feeling?"

Jenna was confused, not quite understanding the meaning of Steffan's words. Looking at the guilt on his face, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just slept for a while."

"That's good." Steffan felt that he could relax at last. He reached out and held Jenna's cold hand. "If you don't feel well, I'll call the doctor over. Your health is the most important thing. Don't take it for granted."

Jenna gave an easy smile, lifted the quilt, and got down from the bed. Then, she took a few steps around the room.

"Look, don't I seem just fine? I'm really all right. Let's go back."

She picked up her handbag that was on the bed and was about to leave.

Steffan looked very worried, "No, I'll be worried about you if you just go back like this. Stay at the hospital tonight and let the doctors observe your


Jenna was unwilling to stay overnight at the hospital. She immediately refused and was adamant about wanting to leave. After carefully considering what the doctor had told him earlier, Steffan decided that it should be fine for her to leave. He took out his phone and played the video of Melvin's apology.

Jenna looked at Melvin's swollen face in the video and listened to his desperate apology. Suddenly, she had the urge to laugh.

Steffan put his phone away and helped Jenna out of the hospital. It was cold and windy outside. Jenna, who was only in her evening gown, shrank back as a gust of cold wind blew. She had always been sensitive to the cold and she let out a sneeze. Steffan stood next to her and felt her shivering. He reached out to hold Jenna's hand tightly and said in a commanding tone, "Dory, the weather's too cold. You're coming home with me today. Don't go back to the dormitory."

Jenna smiled and shook her head. She wrapped her clothes around her tightly and walked out quickly.

"Steffan, it's really not necessary. It's late. Go back and have a rest." Jenna said as she shook her head, refusing his offer. As she walked towards the car, she asked, "If there's nothing tomorrow morning, I'd like to take a half-day rest. What do you think?"

It was a cold and windy night in the middle of winter.

"All right then," Steffan replied in a resigned tone, knowing that there was no point in arguing with her. Once Jenna had made up her mind, he had little chance of changing it.

In the car, Steffan started the engine and turned on the heating to the highest setting.

"Dory, if you don't want to go back to my house, I'll help you get a room at a hotel. How about it? The weather is too cold and there's no heating in the dormitory. Your delicate body won't be able to take it." Steffan suggested as he looked at the white frost on the leaves outside the car window.

"It's really not necessary, Steffan. Just send me back to the dormitory. I still want to rest for half a day tomorrow." Jenna replied firmly, not wanting to dwell on the matter further.

After everything that she had been through that night, she felt quite weak. Since she fell into the water, she had been afraid of the cold. She had to go back to the dormitory. That was her home and she would only be able to feel comfortable there. She wouldn't be able to sleep well at a hotel.

Steffan smiled bitterly. He had no choice but to send her back to the dormitory.

Under a big tree near the dormitory, a black luxury car was parked in the darkness. Hearing the sound of a car outside, Hansen asked Alvin, who was beside him, in a deep voice, "Who is it, Alvin? Is she back?"

After they had driven along the main streets a few times, Alvin had been sure that they wouldn't find the car they were looking for.

Hansen couldn't set his mind at rest after seeing Jenna faint. He didn't even have a clue how she was doing in Srirano. There were too many doubts in his heart. He couldn't calm down, and he just wanted to find her.

Alvin glanced at Hansen, who seemed to have lost all sense of reason. He knew that if he didn't find Jenna tonight, he wouldn't be able to sleep.

Jenna was missing. There was only one plausible explanation, which was that she had been taken away by Steffan.


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