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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 821

August had just ended and it was time for students to start school again. Inside the wealthy homes of Capital City, everyone was making preparations for their children who were about to return to school.

At Capital City, in the Ink Garden of the Richards Group.

There was a comfortable couch and a spacious living room. It was just like Richards Manor in A City, down to its art and furniture.

Marissa was used to living in A City. Capital City was livelier than the A City but once a person came to a certain age, they preferred a quieter and more peaceful environment.

Despite that, her grandchildren were in Capital City, so Marissa had no choice but to come live here.

That time, she was invited by Jenna. The Ink Garden was specially cleaned up for her stay. Meanwhile, Jenna and Hansen lived in Green Jade Garden. They were close by.

Marissa was satisfied with her life, especially seeing her grandson who was about to graduate from school and was already the vice president of

the company.

"Jerry, are you going to school later? Have you seen Zorion and Deanna?" Marissa asked as she watched the television with a jade fan in her hand. She looked elegant and graceful.

The Ink Garden had a more refreshing environment compared to any other part of the house. Although August had passed and the weather was still hot, Ink Garden had undergone a renovation and it was a great place to escape to in the summer. Otherwise, her grandchildren wouldn't be here.

At that time, Jepherson was reading a book on a big couch. He was wearing his usual black pants and white shirt. He looked calm and graceful. Jepherson was only 23 years old and he had inherited his father's good looks and intelligence. He was probably even more outstanding than his father in the past.

Hearing Marissa's question, Jepherson looked up and replied, "I haven't seen them yet. Zorion and Deanna are going to college this year. Their training before school has ended and they are officially entering as students tomorrow."

Marissa leaned forward. "Jerry, do you think Deanna is nice?" Marissa could not help admiring Rayan as she thought about what an obedient girl she was.

Rayan had been doing well himself and his two children were obedient and brought up well.

Deanna was the only preferred choice as Marissa's granddaughter-in-law.

"She's great. How couldn't she be?" He looked up at Marissa. "What are you trying to say, Grandma?"

"What do you think Grandma is trying to say? You'll be 23 years old once you graduate and you're about to take over the company. What do you think?" Marissa had been reminding the family about it but Jenna and Hansen said that it was all up to Jerry and they didn't want to meddle in it.

He didn't have to get married, but he could get engaged first.

Jepherson turned his face away and lowered his head to continue looking at the book in his hand. "Deanna is still young and I've always treated her like a younger sister."

"She's not your actual sister and you two are not related by blood. You've taken good care of her since she was young and she has said that she liked you. If you two were to get together, don't you think it will only bring our families closer?" Marissa said. She thought that it was important for two individuals to have similar family backgrounds to get married.

Jepherson thought about it. His thin and handsome face was as calm as water. "Thirty is when one's life is truly stable. I won't be thinking about marriage until then. Grandma, I don't think you should force me about it anymore."

Jepherson stood up and rushed towards the exit as he instructed, "Stuart, let's go to school."

Jepherson left in a rush and Marissa was left upset. He was so opinionated at such a young age, just like his father!

"No, I have to think of a way." Marissa thought.

In Elkton University of Capital City.

The grand Elkton University was one of the famous buildings in Capital City. The Richards family, who owned Elkton University, was also one of the well- known powerful families in Capital City.

Twenty years ago, the Richards family built Elkton University, and then it had become one of the top schools for wealthy students from all over the world to attend. The students who attended this school were from all kinds of wealthy family backgrounds. The school also accepted students who were geniuses in various subjects.

During that time, the freshman ball was in preparation.

Jepherson's car stopped at the entrance of Elkton

University and Stuart went out of the car to open the door for him. The school board were all there to welcome him, including the principal of the university.

"Young Master Richards, this is an invitation that Madam Lilian asked me to hand to you." The principal was more than 60 years old but he still bent over to speak to Jepherson out of respect.

Jepherson got out of the car and grabbed the invitation handed to him. He then started walking into the university. He looked down at the invitation and realized it was for the freshman ball.

He casually handed the invitation to Stuart and said, "You can go."

"Young Master Richards, Madam Lilian's intention is to introduce Miss Deanna to everyone tonight and you must attend the ball, or Madam Lilian is going to call Madam Jenna about it," the principal said with his body and head bowed.

Jepherson turned around, looked at him, and understood what he meant. Then, Jepherson turned around and grabbed the invitation from Stuart's hand.

Inside the back room of the hall of the freshman ball.

"Do you see this? This is your scholarship

application form. If I were to tear this apart, then don't even think about applying for a scholarship anymore. So, are you done considering it? Are you going to do it or not?" A few girls surrounded Raeleigh inside the room as one of them held her scholarship application form to threaten her. They wanted to humiliate her by making her send an inappropriate love letter to someone. Raeleigh refused to do so and she was cornered by them.

"Are you sure you guys want to do this? This is a society of rules and laws and we are in a university!" Raeleigh was one of the candidates who were chosen to come to Elkton University based on her outstanding results in car designing. She had the highest score in all of Capital City and she even got first place in an international drawing competition. She did not have a powerful family background and she wasn't the daughter of a wealthy corporation. She got into this school solely based on her talents. The spoiled, wealthy girls in front of her could never compare to her.

Raeleigh looked at them with a cold gaze. Her eyebrows tightened and she knew she shouldn't go against them because it would only make her situation worse.

However, she was also unwilling to give in. Her mind and body were fully against it.

"The law? I am the law here! Raeleigh, we were hoping that you would get along with us but it seems like you're not willing to and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm going to tear your scholarship application form into pieces now, and you better not regret it." Quirina raised her hand and was about to tear the form apart. Although Quirina was a new student in Elkton University but since she had a powerful background, she was known for being bossy and it was never a good thing to be her victim.

"Wait!" Raeleigh finally gave in after she thought about the eyes of her hopeful grandmother. It was not easy for her to get into Elkton University. All she wanted was to graduate smoothly and not be involved in any drama.

"I'll go." Raeleigh gave in at last. The girl who was holding Raeleigh down threw a love letter to her, along with a black velvet box.

Raeleigh glanced at the box and asked, "What's inside?"


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