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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 831

"Why? Don't you have a laptop?" Scarlette asked Raeleigh as she communicated with another player in the game. She was trying to look for a player named Shadowless Hadrian.

Raeleigh wasn't bothered by it but she leaned close to Scarlette as she spoke. She wasn't able to focus on reading her book, so she looked at Scarlette and said, "I hardly use my laptop. Moreover, I don't have any games and I don't know how to play any."

"You're truly old-fashioned. Look at what century we're in. You're too conservative. This isn't a good sign. Furthermore, you can use it to earn some allowance," Scarlette said as she focused on her laptop. "I'm not like you. You have your family to support your studies, but I don't have any money since I've left the orphanage. If I don't play games, then I have no money to attend school."

Raeleigh looked at Scarlette and her gaze slowly fell on her face. "You can earn money by playing games?"

"Of course! Why else would a girl like me be playing games?" Scarlette wanted someone to accompany her in playing games.

Raeleigh needed extra cash but she had no idea how to play games.

"Scarlette, what game are you playing?" Raeleigh leaned forward to see Scarlette's screen. Then, Scarlette explained the game to her.

According to Scarlette, she was playing Fairy Tales. There were treasures and magical tools in the game. One would have to upgrade one's character's level before one could start hunting for treasures. There were many powerful magical tools in the game and if one can find them...

She smiled widely. "These tools could be sold for more than ten thousand dollars."

Raeleigh froze for a moment and asked, "That much?"

"But that will probably be a master level's magical tool. It's not easy to find one. You have to join the game and train your character by fighting monsters. You'll be getting a lot of unwanted tools once you've leveled up, unless you have a skilled player in the game to guide you. If that's the case, then you will gain some worthy tools. Although they're not worth more than ten thousand dollars, the smaller ones can be sold for a few hundred dollars while the bigger ones could be sold for a few thousand dollars."

Scarlette explained proudly. Raeleigh continued to ask, "Was that how it was when you first joined the game?"

Scarlette was stunned for a moment and recalled the first time she played the game. She was ten years old and she would crawl under Hadrian's covers to play the game. Then, she was kicked out by Hadrian when she was about thirteen years old.

"Sort of. I had to do it to earn some allowance. When we're in the virtual world, nobody knows who we are. We can do anything we want there. I did it to survive and there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Raeleigh thought about it for a long time. Her grandmother's health was getting worse by the day and when Raeleigh went to the civil administration office the other day to get funds given out by the government to help the citizens in need, she was criticized by the officers there. They said that she had the money to attend Elkton University, but didn't have money to provide healthcare for her grandmother.

Raeleigh wasn't bothered by their words because she had worse things said to her. If this money could help her get supplements for her grandmother, then she didn't mind doing it.

"Scarlette, what level are you on? Are you a master?" Raeleigh wanted to try the game but she didn't have the confidence.

Scarlette replied, "I'm only considered a junior master, but I am earning enough for my allowance."

"Then, can you guide me? I don't need a lot of money. If there are tools that are worth below a hundred dollars, then you can bring me and I'll fight the battle for you. Once you sell it, you can give me twenty percent of the price sold."

"There isn't a tool below a hundred dollars. Even if there is, no one is going to buy it. Those people who are buying tools, are people like you who don't know how to play the game. They aren't skilled when they first join the game, so they would buy tools to defend themselves."

"Making money off the game is easy. You'll just have to find a skilled player to guide you."

"But don't worry about it. There are plenty of masters in the game and they are really nice to women. When I first joined the game, there were a bunch of guys who offered to guide me in the game and promised to share some good tools but..." Scarlette's tone gradually turned sadder. Raeleigh stared at her and asked, "But what?"

"When they found out I was ten years old, they then ignored me." Scarlette felt wronged as she thought about it. If it weren't for the fact that Hadrian was the only one who offered to guide her, then she wouldn't have been with him. He's cold and boring!

"You started playing when you were ten years old. How are you not a master yet?" Raeleigh was shocked. She figured that Scarlette was someone who got into Elkton University with her own results and even if she weren't good at the game, she had been playing it for ten years.

"You don't understand. The game is constantly changing, and before you can get good at it, there will be a new update. How could I become a master so easily?" Scarlette complained. If Hadrian hadn't always changed to a new character when they got to a higher level in the game, then she would have been a master a long time ago.


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