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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 868

Raeleigh came out of the golf course. It was four o'clock in the afternoon. She did not play much and so she did not sweat. On the contrary, Jepherson had perspired a lot, so he went upstairs to change his clothes. After taking a bath, he came out in simple and functional clothes.

Raeleigh fixed her eyes on the TV, waiting for the next meal.

Just then, Scarlette knocked on the door looking for Raeleigh. She went to open the door, checking that the person outside was indeed Raeleigh before letting her in.

This was a habit of Raeleigh's. No matter where she was, at home or out, she would always check the door to see who was outside it before opening it to let them in.

This was a habit she acquired when she was ten. Before then, she had lived her childhood in a carefree environment at the children's home. Ever since she had gone to stay with her grandmother, her life had changed.

Her grandmother was always highly suspicious of people, so she would drill it into Raeleigh over and over again about the importance of being vigilant.

This caused a major behavioral change in Raeleigh.

Seeing Raeleigh, Scarlette asked her, "Raeleigh, have you had dinner yet?"

Raeleigh looked back. Jepherson had gone into the bathroom and was nowhere to be seen.

"No," Raeleigh replied to Scarlette, who had just entered, who in turn said as she was walking around, "Me too. I haven't eaten the whole day."

Raeleigh looked at Scarlette and asked her, "Why haven't you eaten?"

"How am I supposed to eat when no one has prepared any food for me?" Scarlette and Hadrian were at that time not on speaking terms because of an argument they had about the game. Stuart had been by Jepherson's and her side the whole day. So, naturally, her welfare, including her meals were not looked out for by anybody. Scarlette had to go over to Raeleigh's place because she simply couldn't stand being hungry anymore. Hopefully, with Raeleigh present, Jepherson would not do anything to her.

"They didn't give you any food?" Raeleigh was quite surprised. She walked over to Scarlette and sat down. Scarlette didn't know how to explain it all to Raeleigh but she tried her best anyway. "I had been gaming with the person who was in charge of looking after me. But then, we got into an argument, so he hasn't prepared anything for me to eat."

Raeleigh hadn't thought that this would've happened. Just then, Jepherson stepped out of the shower and walked over to Scarlette when he saw her.

Scarlette stood up and said, "I'm here for a meal."

Jepherson glanced at Scarlette and then his gaze moved to Stuart, who was standing by the door with an air of inquiry.

"I'll arrange it." Stuart walked over to the Scarlette and said, "Miss Scarlette, please."

Scarlette looked at Raeleigh and thought for a moment before she said, "Raeleigh, why don't we eat together?"

"OK." Raeleigh agreed at once and then looked over to the other side at Jepherson.

"Then, let's eat together." Jepherson was still very tolerant... with Scarlette.

The dinner was soon ready. Raeleigh was sitting next to Scarlette, while Jepherson was sitting opposite her. Stuart stood at the door.

Scarlette had a lot of things to say and did not stop even as she ate. She kept talking about the game with Raeleigh, to which Raeleigh would occasionally reply to her with a line or two.

Otherwise, she was focused on her food.

Raeleigh was not used to talking while eating. She did not have such habits, especially not in front of guys who were strangers.

It was like this. In Raeleigh's eyes, Jepherson was still a stranger.

After she had finished her meal, Scarlette looked like she had no intention to leave, as she went to sit on the couch and refused to get up. Raeleigh then watched some television with her while Jepehrson sat at the side, with his phone in his hands, texting.

It didn't take long for Scarlette's cell phone to ring. She looked at it and thought, "Hadrian?"

"I'm dead." Just as she was about to hang up the phone, something interesting happened. She suddenly got up from the couch and rushed to the door. Raeleigh then got up. Scarlette had rushed to the door, looking as if she would've flown right out the door if she could.

Scarlette stopped and glanced at Raeleigh, saying, "I, uh, I've something to do. I have a score to settle with that person. I'll come and look for you later. I'll not bother the both of you then."

Having said that, Scarlette opened the door and left. Raeleigh stood by the couch as she watched the door shut, feeling like something weird was going on with Scarlette.


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