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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 873

Scarlette was arrested for the assault and battery of a schoolmate and attempted evasion from arresting officers. Raeleigh too was arrested for the obstruction of justice.

"If you both tell us what happened truthfully and admit to your crimes, then we can let you off easily on account of your student status, and not announce this matter to the public." The police officer opposite Raeleigh raised his hand and smacked the file he held in the other. Raeleigh looked back at him and replied, "We did not do anything. We don't even know Quirina Moore."

Raeleigh insisted that she didn't know Quirina. The police officer was angry and paced around in the room. They had been interrogating her for an hour. No matter how much pressure they put on her, they couldn't find anything. Raeleigh just insisted that she didn't know Quirina Moore. So, the police couldn't do anything to Raeleigh.

If she didn't know her, then how could she have fought her?

Scarlette was even harder to deal with than Releigh. She simply refused to say even a word. She kept silent throughout the interrogation, did not answer any of the questions posed to her, and just stared at her interrogating officer, as if she were sizing him up.

So, this case, for the police, was also very tricky.

Raeleigh and Scarlette were both students. Even if they didn't have powerful families to back them up, the police wouldn't go too far. They wouldn't do anything to them unless it was absolutely necessary. However, once they started, Raeleigh and Scarlette would have h*ll to pay for.

"Drink some water." The police poured a glass of water for Raeleigh. This was a trick. The police often used this kind of tactic to deal with women.

"It's not a crime to let you drink water here, so have a drink."

After consuming fluids, it was inevitable that the need to relieve oneself would arise. When that time came, they could use it against the detainee to threaten them into answering or deal with the alternative of not being allowed to go to the loo.

This tactic did not work on men since if the urge arose and they were not allowed to go to the loo, then they would simply do it on the spot.

This alternative is inconvenient and mostly inaccessible to women.

Raeleigh looked at the water. "I am not thirsty."

"Have a drink." The police suddenly became friendly, which made Raeleigh feel uncomfortable, so she didn't drink it.

The police officer was not in a hurry and looked up at the camera. The people outside had been used to this method for a long time. They knew what it meant to turn off the air-conditioner with just one look from the officer in the interrogation room.

This season was rather warm. The four walls of the interrogation room were closed and there were no ventilation ducts. If the air- conditioner was turned off, then it would definitely be hot and people would not be able to withstand it for a long time.

The policeman stood up and said, "I'm going out for a while. You should think about what I said."

The police took the notebook and left. Raeleigh felt a little hot. She stared at the cup in front of her and recalled that the air-conditioning was turned off when she refused to drink it. She drew the connection between the two and became even more convinced that the water was not to be drunk.

It was too hot in the interrogation room. Raeleigh felt uncomfortable and lay down flat on the table. As a result, by the time someone had come to bail her and Scarlette out, she had passed out on the table.

The person who had bailed them out was the principal of Elkton University himself. He was undeniably a reliable bailor.

When Raeleigh and Scarlette were released, Scarlette was well. After all, she was much stronger and fitter than Raeleigh. Raeleigh, on the other hand, came out in quite a bad shape. She was still semi-conscious and had to be carried out. When the principal saw the bracelet on Raeleigh's wrist, he was so scared that he broke into cold sweat immediately.

"How can you torture her like this? Is there even any law and order anymore?" Even being the principal, he couldn't suppress his anger. This matter could affect his old age and retirement plans.


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