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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 900

Zorion only left Deanna's side when she had fallen asleep. He went back to his bed and lay down. He sent a text to Raeleigh, which read, "Sleep early."

Raeleigh took a look at the message, but she did not reply. She was worried that it would land her in trouble.

At three o'clock in the morning, Raeleigh's phone suddenly rang. Raeleigh picked it up right away and sat up under the quilt.

From the other end of the line came Jepherson's elegant and deep voice. "Your grandmother has something to say to you."

Then, Novalie's voice chimed in from over the line, "Raeleigh, is your hand better? Why didn't you tell me the truth? When will you change your habit of keeping silent about major matters, even though you willingly admit to minor issues? Always reporting good news but not the bad news. Do you want me to worry about you?"

"Grandma, it's late. Why are you still awake?" Raeleigh was ticked off, but she did not blame Jepherson for it. She had actually wanted to tell Novalie about her hand, but she decided to tell her when she returned. However, Jepherson told her in advance. It seemed that Jepherson had his own thoughts on the matter.

"It's already evening here. Are you confused? It should be three o'clock there, right?" Novalie laughed from the other end. She was also sizing up the person drinking water in front of her, the one who had been hanging around her the whole day, Jepherson.

When Novalie went out in the morning, she met Jepherson. He was driving a very luxurious car. As Raeleigh was taking a car design course, there were some books about cars in her house. Novalie did not know where the books came from, but she would still flip through them when she had nothing to do.

That kind of car was expensive. It could accommodate a lot of people. A chauffeur would drive it while his boss lounged in the backseat.

Jepherson was dressed up, and had impeccable manners. He was not an ordinary person. Novalie could tell at a glance that he was not just anyone.

However, where she lived, there were no rich people. To put it bluntly, it was not much better than a slum.

Novalie had intended to buy two buns and a bowl of soup. Before she could go far, she was stopped

by Jepherson, who went up to her.

Jepherson explained that he was there to meet someone as per a friend's request. He wanted to ask Novalie about the person.

Novalie naturally asked who he was looking for. Jepherson answered that he was looking for Raeleigh's grandmother. He also said that he was a friend of Raeleigh.

Novalie thought about it for a moment and admitted that she was Raeleigh's grandmother. She asked who Jepherson was, and Jepherson mentioned that he was just a person who came over to see her. Then, the chauffeur brought some fruits out of the car.

He did not bring anything else except the fruit. Jepherson even told Novalie that he was there since the early hours of the morning, as early as four o'clock, but he had not been able to find her so he kept asking around.

Novalie certainly did not believe it fully, but Jepherson added that he had yet eaten anything. Novalie had not eaten yet either, so she went to buy breakfast with Jepherson in town. Novalie informed him that she was going to buy buns and soup. Jepherson disclosed that he had never eaten those before and wanted to try them.

Novalie returned, hobbling with a cane that was evidently not the best. Jepherson did not say anything then. He carried the food back to Novalie's house. After entering, he did not act like a rich young master at all, and served the food for her. He acted perfectly, without a single misstep.

Jepherson was not picky with his food either. He ate two buns and a bowl of soup.

Novalie was used to a plain and simple lifestyle. She did not know anything else but that type of food.

As for Jepherson, he finished eating and commented, "It'd be even better if there was some salt in it."

Novalie understood that the soup as it was was plain and tasteless. It was already a miracle that he ate it, something that wasn't easily faked. Furthermore, he had even commented on the food.

Novalie did not ask any questions. If they were just friends, Jepherson would not have come to her place. The fact that he was so calm after he came meant that Jepherson already knew Raeleigh's family background.

Novalie did not ask why he came or what he was going to do during the visit. Jepherson was frugal with his words too, until after they were done eating, when he asked Novalie whether she was used to living at that place. He even asked if she had the habit of walking around the neighbourhood.


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