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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 903

"Zorion, what are you doing?" Raeleigh's face was drained of color from the shock and she grabbed at Zorion's clothes, demanding an answer from him. However, he didn't even have time to answer her because his clothes were of such a loose fit that they were practically being pulled off him under her tight grip.

Raeleigh caught a glimpse of Zorion's body under his clothes and let go immediately, as if she had been scalded.

Zorion lowered his head to look at Raeleigh and pinched her hard. He didn't answer Raeleigh's question. Instead, he looked down at his clothes, which were nearly falling off.

"Aren't you taking things too quickly?" The moment Zorion said this, Raeleigh blushed with exasperation and said hotly, "Put me down. I can walk by myself."

"If I do that, you'll walk right out of here." Zorion chuckled and raised his eyebrows at her questioningly, then he looked ahead and walked straight through the door towards the hot springs.

Hot steam swirled up from the baths and gently enveloped them. Raeleigh was taken aback by how misty it was. She couldn't see anything.

Zorion lowered his head to look at Raeleigh. "Although it's a mixed bath, there is a screen in the middle. We can choose to keep it up or down when we get into the water.

When I was a child, my family bathed openly. As we grew older, the screen was only removed after we got into the water.

The steam here is so thick that no one can see anything, even if you're naked."

Zorion placed Raeleigh back on her feet and Raeleigh took several steps back hastily. At the same time, Scarlette and Deanna came rushing up to them.

Deanna was the first to reach Raeleigh and she couldn't help laughing. Raeleigh blushed and turned to look elsewhere, saying, "It's too hot. I don't want to be here..."

"Come on. It's just for a little while." Deanna pulled Raeleigh towards the bath and forcefully removed Raeleigh's clothing. Scarlette was rendered speechless by this. Underneath the loose fitting clothes, Raeleigh had a bath towel wrapped around her, but she still felt as though she was stark naked.

Deanna was used to that kind of thing. Moreover, Zorion was her brother, so it didn't bother her in the least. She took Raeleigh's clothes and handed them to Zorion, "Zorion, put these over there. Raeleigh's too shy."

Raeleigh didn't say a word. She lowered herself into the hot spring bath, her hands over her chest. What else could she do? Let others see her in her birthday suit?

Zorion gazed at Raeleigh, smiling happily.

Deanna raised her hand to nudge Zorion. "Zorion, you won't stop doting on me in the future, right? You're smiling like a fool!"

"I won't. Go on, then." Zorion turned around and placed Raeleigh's clothes inside the locker. He closed the door and took off his clothes. Then, he put them into a locker too.

Zorion had a bath towel around his waist, so he wasn't fully exposing himself.

Scarlette followed Deanna over to the lockers. They also removed their clothes and placed them in the lockers. The bath towels they were wearing underneath covered them nicely.

The two of them went into the hot springs together. Scarlette sighed to herself. Zorion was really something else. She worried about Jepherson's reaction if he found out about this little incident. Would he kill her?

Scarlette felt that the only thing she had gotten out of this trip abroad so far was a constant fear for her life.

Raleigh huddled in a corner of the bath after getting in. She wasn't a good swimmer. She had learned to swim in junior high, but her swimming skills were barely passable. It would be an exaggeration to say that she could swim well.

Raeleigh leaned against the rocky wall of the bath, surrounded by white steam. There was a partition on the other side.

Zorion walked past Raeleigh and the others. Seeing Zorion, Raeleigh turned her face away. Deanna and Scarlette went over to Raeleigh.

Deanna got into the water and asked, "Raeleigh, why are you still wearing your towel while soaking?"

"This is fine for me. If you want to take yours off, please go ahead." There was no way that Raeleigh would take off the bath towel, even if she were to be beaten to death. To take it off would be the same as taking her life itself.

Deanna looked down at herself for a while before saying, "Then I'll wear mine as well. I won't let you see anything."

Scarlette was dumbfounded. What sort of person was Deanna? Who had said they wanted to see


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