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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 921

"You can go now. Raeleigh and I will head back to our dorm room. I'll call you if I need anything. You'd better find a way to contact Stuart and tell Jepherson about this," Scarlette instructed. Hadrian simply nodded and drove away.

After Hadrian left, Raeleigh turned around and started walking back to their dorm. After walking past the campus gate, she spotted a few girls loitering around. She didn't know them. Raeleigh immediately sensed that something was amiss. Who were they and why were they here? Raeleigh wondered.

"Scarlette, come here." Grabbing Scarlette's hand, they sprinted towards the campus gate. As they ran, Scarlette glanced back and saw that the girls were chasing after them. Scarlette handed the notebook to Raeleigh and stopped running. Turning around, she confronted the girls, "Where did you come from? Tell me!"

A girl in a pink shirt stepped forward and said haughtily, "Go away. It's none of your business. We aren't here for you."

"What if I don't leave?" Scarlette cast a contemptuous glance at the girl.

The girl snorted and answered coldly, "Then let's fight-

in a flash, the girls bolted towards Scarlette, ready to pick a fight. As Hadrian was nowhere to be seen, Raeleigh quickly took out her mobile phone to make a call. With only a few contacts on her phone, she had no choice but to call Zorion.

However, as soon as she made the call, she caught sight of Hadrian heading in their direction. Raeleigh hastily hung up the phone and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Hadrian! Come, quickly!"

As soon as Raeleigh started shouting, Hadrian got out of the car and walked up to the campus gate. He could see that Scarlette was caught in a tussle with those girls.

"What are you waiting for? Scarlette needs help!" Raeleigh was worried that something would happen to Scarlette. However, Hadrian just stood at the gate, watching silently. In disbelief, Raeleigh tried to get him to help, but he didn't even bother lifting a finger.

In the end, Scarlette successfully knocked the girls onto the ground. With one foot grinding on a girl's head, she spat out, "Who the f*ck do you think you are to have the guts to yell at me?"

Raeleigh's eyes widened in surprise. What in the world?

The girl with her head pushed against the ground muttered something under her breath, but Raeleigh couldn't hear what she said. Giving the notebook to Hadrian, Raeleigh rushed forward and pulled Scarlette aside. "Forget it."

Scarlette dusted off her sleeves and strolled towards Hadrian. As she took the notebook, she glared at the girls sprawled on the ground.

Scarlette then grabbed Raeleigh's hand and walked into the campus.

Hadrian watched them for a while before leaving.

When Raeleigh turned around, he was already gone.

"Scarlette, you're so good at fighting." Raeleigh gave her a thumbs-up as they walked back to their dorm. Scarlette raised her eyebrows and smirked, "Is that a compliment?"

"Of course!" Raeleigh responded, amused by Scarlette's words.

Scarlette made her way towards a big tree. They had to pass that way to get to their dorm.

As they got closer to the tree, the both of them slowed their steps and came to a stop under the tree.

"At first, I didn't understand why Jepherson liked you. Now I do," Scarlette said.

"Really?" Raeleigh found it funny. She couldn't figure out what would have made Scarlette suddenly realize the reason for it.

"Silly! You're so silly!" Scarlette shook her head, turned around, and walked away. "Why am I silly?" Raeleigh asked.

"It's the sort of silliness that can't be helped."

"Excuse me?" Raeleigh snapped. Scarlette rolled her eyes and said, "I'm confused. Jepherson treats you so well, yet you don't want to be with him. On the other hand, Deanna is trying to matchmake you and Zorion. Can't you tell?"

"Stop it. I don't want to talk about this. I'll talk to Jepherson about breaking up soon." Raeleigh's thoughts were in a mess. She didn't want to continue the conversation after hearing what Scarlette said. She quickened her pace and hurried towards the dorm.


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