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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 958

After dinner, Raeleigh watched TV with Jepherson while Novalie rested in her room.

It was quiet in the living with just the two of them. Raeleigh was stared at the screen, not really seeing anything. Jepherson decided to go into the kitchen to cut some fruits for her. He noticed that he had not seen her eating any junk food or fruits, which was a little strange.

Raeleigh looked at the fruit in front of her and made no move no take one. Jepherson reached out, snagged a slice of apple, and held it to her lips. However, she did not respond.

So, Jepherson placed the slice of apple in his mouth, then lowered his head to hers. Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth. What-Quick as a flash, Jepherson slipped the apple into her mouth.

Eyes wide, Raeleigh raised her hand to his chest, fully intending to push him away. However, Jepherson did not let her up. She tried to wriggle out of his arms but to no avail.

"Eat your apple,” Jepherson said as he finally released her, his breathing heavy.

Flushing beet red, Raeleigh slowly chewed on the apple. Satisfied, Jepherson placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. Then, nodding to her laptop, he asked, "What were you thinking about just now?"


Jepherson took a piece of apple and ate it. He did not buy it.

But he kept his scepticism to himself and just kept handing Raeleigh slices of apple.

"I can't eat anymore," Raeleigh eventually moaned, as she pushed his hand away.

So Jepherson ate it instead, his eyes on the screen.

At eight o'clock, Jepherson went back to Raeleigh's room and began undressing. Raeleigh did not bother following him and chose to bunk with her grandmother for another night.

Novalie stirred her eyes as Raeleigh entered the room. What a stubborn granddaughter she had.

Raeleigh lay down and stared at the door. She had locked it but wasn't sure if Jepherson would be eavesdropping on their conversation.

Probably not.

"Grandma," Raeleigh said in a low voice. Novalie was shrewdly stayed silent and allowed her granddaughter to gather her thoughts.

After a bit, she encouraged her. "You can tell me.

He's not out there." Novalie had sharp ears after all.

Raeleigh turned her head to look her grandma fully in the eyes and said, "Someone asked me where I was born."

Stunned, Novalie didn't know what to answer. Raeleigh continued, "He thought that I might be his sister. He told me a story about how someone stole his sister right after she was born."

Raeleigh told Novalie what Xanthus had said.

Novalie was quiet for a while, before saying in a low voice, "If that is true, then they should have put up notices, or go to the authorities rather than trying to find her on their own."

"I know." Raeleigh thought so too. Xanthus's story seemed far-fetched.

Yet since Xanthus had come to her, it could mean that he knew something about her past.

"Raeleigh, do you still remember what I told you?" Novalie asked calmly. "Of course, I must not be confused by other people's words and I must not trust strangers."

"It's good that you remember. I'm sure you remember what your childhood was like. Why would your memories of it suddenly change?" Novalie closed her eyes and asked calmly, while anxiety churned her insides.

Her days were numbered and it was difficult for her to get around. When she died, Her granddaughter would be left all alone in this world.

Those vicious people would not let Raeleigh go.

Novalie did not sleep well. She got up early the next day, planning to go for a walk to clear her head. It was a Monday and Raeleigh had to get to school early. Novalie needed to speak to Jepherson soon before Raeleigh could suspect anything.

When Raeleigh realised that her grandmother was already up, she too hurriedly got out of bed.

"Go back to sleep. It's only four o'clock. I'll go check if Jepherson is awake. I'll ask him to go with me to buy some breakfast," It was odd for Novalie to be so robust, she usually walked very slowly.

Novalie quickly left the room and went to wake Jepherson up.

"Are you up?" She was not courteous to Jepherson, rapidly knocking on his door. It was indeed too early for Jepherson to be awake.


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