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Cutie, Please Marry Me Again (Jenna and Hansen) novel Chapter 960

All the students in the class were in a daze. This was what Raeleigh thought anyway. Their attention was focused on her because there was an attractive guy sitting right next to her. She found it ridiculous that he could still fall asleep under the watchful eyes of the crpwd.

Santiago was wearing a loose green T-shirt, along with a pair of white jeans. The outfit looked particularly good on him because his skin was fair.

Therefore, he immediately captured the hearts of all the girls.

Santiago was easily more handsome than Zorion and Flynt.

Some of the girls were staring at the bracelet on Santiago's wrist. There was a sparkling sapphire and emerald gem on it. It was an incredibly amazing sight.

Some girls were staring at the diamond earring on one of his ears.

His outfit suited him perfectly.

Especially with his perfect slicked-back hair. All the girls wanted a piece of him.

Because of this, the girls were not in the mood to listen to what the lecturer had to teach that day. They had all submitted themselves to Santiago's charm.

When the bell rang, everyone waited in anticipation for Santiago to wake up. However...

Santiago did not wake up and continued sleeping.

When class was dismissed, no one moved either. Everyone was waiting for Santiago to wake up.

In the end, the lecturer had no choice but to leave.

Raeleigh stared at the person beside her. She was very curious about him!

That was the first time that Raeleigh was genuinely curious about what kind of person Santiago was.

"Raeleigh, stop looking at him. He is a devil. He's a master at seducing women. If you fall for him, then you're screwed!" Deanna hurriedly pulled Raeleigh out of her daze.

In fact, Raeleigh wasn't doing anything. She was just looking at Santiago.

Although Santiago was tall, Raeleigh could tell that he was relatively young.

"Nonsense, why did you call me a devil? I'm an angel!" Santiago immediately said, after being awakened. He glanced unhappily at Deanna before turning to Raeleigh and said, "I'm an angel!" Raeleigh froze for a moment and did not know how to react.

She had never seen anyone as self-righteous as him.

"Shame on you!" Deanna said as she turned her face away. The group of people around her hated Deanna. If it weren't for Zorion, then she would have been in trouble.

At that time, Raeleigh did not care about anything else. The atmosphere was a little weird. It seemed like everyone was looking at them.

Raeleigh gathered her things, and she then stood up.

"I'll excuse myself for a moment," Raeleigh said and immediately left the room.

Santiago stood up as well and wanted to make a beeline for the exit, in search of Raeleigh. Petite and beautiful, he found her to be very interesting.

Just as he was about to leave, he was pulled aside to take a seat next to Zorion. Zorion stood up and glanced at him with contempt. He said, "Sit down."

Santiago raised his head to look at Zorion. He stared at Zorion and said, "Pfft!"

After Zorion left, Santiago looked at the person next to him. Santiago extended his hand and said, "Hi, my name is Santiago Richards."

Flynt lowered his head to look at the hand in front of him. Then, he said, "Flynt Moore."

Flynt raised his hand to shake Santiago's hand. Santiago withdrew his hand and smiled devilishly, "I was just teasing you!"

Flynt's expression froze. He gave a sarcastic smile and withdrew his extended hand.

"I'll keep it in mind." With that, he stood up and left. Santiago watched as he walked out the door and smiled even more wickedly.

Raeleigh came out of the classroom and found a place to sit down. It tookZoriona long time before he found her. He took a seat right next to her.

Raeleigh cast a glance at him and asked, "Who was that guy?"

"Santiago Richards," Zorion answered directly, not wanting to hide the truth. Raeleigh froze for a moment before she said, "Is he Jepherson's younger brother?"

"That's him."

Raeleigh nodded as if she knew it all along.

"He meant no harm," Zorion explained.

"I know."


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