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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Vanished Into Thin Air

Sure enough, Matthew soon came to the office.

With a composed smile, I asked, “Did Johnson call you? Where were you so early in the morning?”

“Yes, he called me. He said you were coming to work, and I was surprised you didn’t mention it last night.”

He removed his coat, hung it up, and then looked at me. “I just went to check out a construction site on

the way here.”

I explained, “It was a spur–of–the–moment decision. I felt a bit free after sending Ava to daycare.”

Meanwhile, Matthew approached and sat beside me. “I thought about something on the way back. You

can go to the general office if you insist on working. I think it suits you well. It’s flexible, no pressure, and

it’s also good to have someone overseeing company matters.”

“No, I’m going to the marketing department. That’s where I’m best suited,” I rejected Matthew’s

arrangement, expressing my thoughts and seeming stubborn.

I understood Matthew’s intention to send me to the general office. It was just a nominal position, but I

wanted to get involved to know what Tanum Corporation was like as a company now.

“But Johnson is in the marketing department.”

“Hey! I can start as a regular employee. He’s your right–hand man, and I won’t usurp his authority. I want to challenge myself and see if I still have my previous drive. I miss those days,” I spoke lightly.

Then I smiled without care and continued, “The schedule is flexible too. If you make me work every day, I might not adjust well. I haven’t worked for four to five years, so let me ease into it.”

Matthew relaxed once I said that. Then he walked over to my side, laughing. “All right, honey. You get to


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