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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Someone to Entertain

I wandered and found myself by the river again. I had brought some wine and arranged for my mother–in- law to pick Ava up. Then, I settled by the river to pour myself a drink.

I realized the company had become an empty shell, its sole purpose to fill the Murphys‘ wallet. Meanwhile, I was empty–handed. No wonder Melanie could taunt me so confidently. Although I married

into the family, I wasn’t part of their world.

Even now, Melanie and Matthew didn’t spare my meager possessions. They would invade my space and commit vile acts on my bed whenever I was away. I thought I was strong–willed at the Murphys‘ residence last night.

However, my repayment was a car for Melanie. When I asked him to send my parents some money, he lashed out at Erica. The more I thought about it, the more my heart ached. It was like a stabbing pain suffocating my chest.

My phone kept ringing, and I didn’t know what I said when I answered. I was starting to feel a little tipsy. I saw the buildings across the river light up as night fell, but none shined for me. I had nothing left.

I raised the wine bottle toward the lights, only to have someone swipe it away. A low voice followed,

Chloe Hartz.”

I turned to look in a daze and saw the man who had witnessed my consistent misfortunes. I shook my head and chuckled, saying, “How’d you know I was here? Did I leave something behind?”

“Weren’t you in pain yesterday? Have you forgotten your doctor’s orders already?” Atlas scolded.

“Forget about doctor’s orders. You’re a buzzkill.” I looked at him and tugged at his sleeve. “Come on, join

me for a drink.”

I felt a little playful, likely from him interrupting my loneliness. It was either that or my inner teenage girl was excited. Atlas stood there for some time, just watching me. I shook his arm, urging him, “Come on!”

Finally, he leaped onto the riverbank and sat beside me. He opened two cans of beer, handed me one,

and toasted to me.

I laughed, “Thank you for being here with me.”

“Tell me, why are you drinking?” he asked.

Do I need a reason to drink?” I took another sip. “Is being happy a good enough reason?” Like a fool, I stared at the lights on the other side of the river.


“I’m celebrating the fact that I’ve seen it all now. I have nothing left. The man I thought was my soulmate had slung a web for me, and I walked right into it, trapped for years.

“How naive of me! Haha… The company’s gone, the money’s gone. Oh, I have a daughter, so it’s not a complete loss. I lost everything, but I still have my daughter.”

“What do you plan to do?” Atlas asked without looking at me. Instead, he stared at the lights across the


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