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Big Bad Alphas novel Chapter 9

It all happened so fast: packing clothes, saying goodbye, waiting to watch my pack shrink in the distance as I leave them in distress. Luckily my mate agreed to leave the land alone, for now. I thought we would have a journey ahead of us to make our way back to Tate Pack lands, but there were three large, nice cars waiting for us. I knew everyone would not fit inside, then I figured it was only for important people, and weirdly I happened to be one of them. Now I sit alone in the backseat, waiting until it is time to go.

I stare out the car window at the forest scenery as the sun pours through the leaves. Birds sing and I close my eyes as if their songs are slowly rocking me to sleep. It was a long night with no time for rest. Between the attack, finding my mate, finding my family, and preparing to leave, I have exhausted myself.

My family. My heart aches knowing that I won't see them for a while. Kendra was crying and didn't stop until I couldn't hear her anymore. Her reaction made me think about changing my mind, but I knew I had to do this for myself. The gloomy clouds begin to shield the sun and the forest turns dark, almost mimicking my emotions and doubt. Where is my mate? I hope we leave soon before I decide to ditch the car and flee to my sobbing sister.

My fingers wrap around the door handle, threatening to push it open. More seconds pass and the more pressure I place until the door pops open. Instead of quickly shutting it, I leave it. My foot hangs out, then my arm, then my entire leg, and soon half of my body is out of the car. My foot hits the ground and so does my other. It is as if I have lost control of my body. On a limb I shut the door and stand outside of it, looking at my reflection in the window. I should get back inside and wait.

"What are you doing?"

I look to see one of the men who watched me in the pack house walking towards the car. "Um, just getting fresh air."

"Okay well, the Alpha should be here any minute." He says and gets in the front seat while I take my place in the back.

"You're driving?"

He nods and I lean back. Hopefully, he doesn't crash the car just because I was difficult last night, though that would be a very dramatic response. A minute or two pass and I spot my mate walking towards the car with another guy, but the guy leaves and enters the car ahead of us. My heart suddenly races for no reason as he opens the door. "Okay, let's go." He mutters and I nervously place my hands neatly on my lap. Never has my posture been so perfectly straight. Awkwardly I look away from him and back out the window.

The guy starts the car and we're off. After watching my pack land disappear— like I said I would— realization begins to hit me. Everything I have ever known is back there and her I am abandoning it with complete strangers. Thankfully my emotions stay hidden.

It is not long until I find my eyes drifting shut.

* * *

Voices prod at my mind as I begin to wake. My hair blocks the light from my eyes like a curtain, and I tiredly sweep it out of the way. My eyes flutter open and I take a moment to really wake up. Immediately I realize that we are still in the car, then I notice that my hard is resting against his shoulder. Swiftly, I sit up as my cheeks stain red. "Sorry," I mumble, shying away.

Chapter 9 1


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