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Billionaire Daddy And His Good Maid novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8: He Never Should've Kissed Her


Hera ran out of the apartment as fast as her legs could carry her. She ignored the voice of Mariam who was desperately calling out to her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she made for her room in the servant quarters.

She doesn't want to be here anymore.

She wants out of this house. Out of this apartment. She wants to leave and go far away so that she wouldn't encounter her boss anymore.

Maybe she made a mistake by coming here. Maybe she made a mistake by dreaming about a good future for her and her sister.

Christina was right.

The convent is a much better place and she was foolish to leave when she knew about the risks that was involved in her decision.

She thought that her boss was nice and that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. She thought that she was lucky to have finally found a safe place for herself in this house but she was damn wrong.

Her boss is a very bad man and that's a fact.

Well, he's no longer her boss anyway.

She just slapped him which meant that she had already lost her job. Good riddance to bad rubbish if she must say. At least it's better this way for now. She now has a reason to leave this godforsaken place and with a very good reason at that.

She's going back home to the convent and she's never leaving no matter what happens this time.


Bryce let the towel holding his waist fall loose to the ground and began prepping himself for work.

He thought about that maid again and his cock twitched in an instant.


He made a mistake by having a taste. He never should've kissed her. He can still feel the softness of her lips on his own. He can still feel the savory flavor and the scent of her hair on his nostrils.

He needs a distraction. And a very good one to forget what happened this morning.

After putting on his clothes, he made for his suitcase and quickly exited his bedroom.

He met Mariam halfway through the stairs. She looked worried and it showed on her face like it was knitted there like a second skin.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he got closer to her.

"Hera is leaving?"

"Who's Hera?" He asked staring at her with intent.

"The new maid" she blurted out "I saw her running out of your bedroom crying and when I went to her room to talk to her, she simply told me that she's leaving."

Bryce scratched his head with his index finger as he pondered on the situation at hand.

This is the first time that he's experiencing something like this.

Most times, when he kisses a woman, she ends up on his bed but this one is trying to run away from him. Great!

As if he'll ever let that happen.

He's had a taste of her already and by the life of him, he's not letting her go until he gets another taste. No matter how much it'll cost him.

"Please talk to her sir" Mariam's voice pierced through his thoughts. "She's too innocent to wander the streets of this big city. She doesn't even know her way around here and I'm scared that something bad might happen to her if she walks out of those gates."

He looked at Mariam who had her hands clasped together pleadingly.

"What do you mean by she's innocent and doesn't know her way around here?" He asked the question that had lingered on his mind after all her explanation.

"She's from the Convent. She came here because of the job" She answered.

Deep down, she was wondering what her boss needed that piece of information for.

She knew that he must've done something to her and maybe telling him about her coming from the Convent might keep him at arms length.


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