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Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning) novel Chapter 2287

If Jiang Ning's guess was right, the passageway into the second spatial dimension was constructed entirely from formation lines!

He had managed to trace these formation lines in their entirety, and so he successfully created the passageway. But whether that passageway was really able to lead to the Longevity Pond or not was hard to say.

If he had really gone in to look for the pond back then, nobody knew where he would end up.

Even Jiang Ning himself had no idea.

"The more I understand it, the more incredible it seems. This is really beyond my imagination," exclaimed Jiang Ning to himself.

He got up and looked at the time. It was about time to go home.

Three years had passed in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Yao was already three and could run like the wind. She wasn't demure and quiet like many girls were, but active and lively. It was as if she never ran out of energy.

She rarely fell ill and had an excellent constitution. Even the wolves got tired, but the little girl would still be laughing merrily and wasn't tired at all.

Peter Pan was the happiest person to see this.

Nobody knew better than him that this was all thanks to the necklace that he had given to her. Over the past three years, it had been continually changing Jiang Yao's body for the better.

But Peter Pan himself was aging rapidly.

In just three years, he looked like he had aged 30 years.

He was already very old to begin with, but he still looked like a middle aged man. But after he gave that necklace to Jiang Yao, he started to age.

And now, all his hair was white and it shimmered like silver in the light. His beard was long and equally white.

"Slow down," he called out as he bent over while chasing after Jiang Yao. "Master can't keep up with you anymore! You terrible little girl, can't you give in to me sometimes?”

Jiang Yao ran on ahead and looked back from time to time. Peter Pan chased after her and pretended to look completely out of breath, which made Jiang Yao laugh brightly.

"Master! Hurry! Hurry!"

"Hurry up! Or you won't be able to catch me!"


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