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Billionaire ’s Unforgettable First Love novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50 She Offered Her Seven Million

Gwenyth's heart softened in an instant. Even if she was angry, she couldn't vent her anger when facing Susie.

"I’m pretty even without lipstick." She took Susie's hand and said in a soft voice, "You can't take other people's things in the future, you know?"


"If you take other people's things, a very vicious man will take your way. Then we will be separated, and we will never see each other again."

Susie seemed to have taken her words seriously and immediately lowered her head.

After they waited for a while, Andy finished solving the matter and came out with the lipstick that Susie had stolen in his hand. He came over and put the lipstick in Susie's hand directly.

Seeing that lipstick, Susie reflexively threw it on the ground, as if it was a hot potato, "No, no."

Gwenyth quickly pulled Susie into her arms and comforted her, "Okay, we won't take it."

Andy looked puzzled.

Didn’t the girl like that lipstick and want it?

Why did she suddenly not want it?

He picked up the lipstick and handed it to Gwenyth, "Miss Lovelace, it’s been paid for."

"Then I'll give you the money."

"No, it's already been credited to Mr. Yates' account. You can take the lipstick and use it."

"Please return the lipstick, Mr. Fountain."


Seeing his perplexed expression, Gwenyth reached for the lipstick and walked straight toward the black Bentley parked by the side of the road.

Edison lowered the car window and said with an indifferent expression, "Ask your mother and sister to come over, and I'll take you home."

"No, there's not enough room in the car." She handed over the lipstick in her hand, "I won't take it. That flagship store is owned by the Yates Group, and you are the president of the Yates Group. So you can either return the lipstick or give it to someone else."

Edison ignored her words, and patted his leg with a big hand, "Who says there is not enough room? You can sit here."

Gwenyth blushed instantly, "No, thanks."

She handed the lipstick forward, but Edison turned his face away and closed the car window directly.

"I want to go home and stay overnight tonight."

The window that had just been raised was slowly lowered.

Edison's face darkened, "Get in the car and I'll take you home."

"It'll be too crowded. We’ll walk back. Oh, this." She threw the lipstick in through the window.

The lipstick fell on Edison's lap. Before he lost his temper, she turned and ran towards Ursula and Susie.

"Mr. Fountain, your boss needs you."

"Got it!"

Andy went straight to the car, faced Edison, and waited for his orders.

Edison looked at Gwenyth. She had taken Ursula and Susie down the sidewalk.

Andy blocked his line of sight. He leaned forward a little, and Andy hurriedly bent over to get closer, completely blocking Edison's line of sight.

"What are you doing?"

Andy smiled slightly, "Mr. Yates, what can I do for you?"

"Go away."

"Okay." Andy backed away silently and stood upright by the car door with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes.

He felt so wronged!

It was Edison who had called him over, but now Edison told him to go away.

Edison looked ahead through the car window, and Gwenyth was already a little far away.

She walked fast with Ursula and Susie in a hurry. She didn't want her family to get in touch with Edison, and she wanted keep them as far away from him as possible.

Chapter 50 She Offered Her Seven Million 1


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