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Billionaire's Rough Sex novel Chapter 6


"How did you..." I was going to ask her. But she cut off me.

"I'm a swimmer! Or in another meaning, I used to be a professional swimmer! Worldwide champion actually," she blurted out, staring away as if she remembered an old bad memory about being a swimmer.

"Why?!" I narrowed my eyes.

"Why what?" she whispered, still staring away. This girl could read in between the lines; no one ever did that before!

"Yes." I moved closer, paying attention to her.

She looked straightaway and deeply into my eyes. "I miss my old life," she sighed.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't find a word! I wanted to ask her a lot about her life but that might take a long time.

I mumbled, "Why am I curious about you?"

She rubbed her chin confidently. "Because I know who you are!"

She said her words and left me with a bewildered mind and walked away. 'Who sent her?! Why she keeps saying that she knows me?! What did she mean by that?!'

I pulled her arms tightly grabbing her to my chest. "Who are you?"

She gazed at my hand and raised an eyebrow. "I'm the only woman that will accept you and accept your real identity without fear! Because I want to," she said to me boldly and released her hands from mine. I pulled myself away trying to understand her words. She's smart, mysterious, but that gave me a warning to not trust her!

"Where are you going?" I hollered at her, stopping her moves.

She turned her head slowly to me. "To change my clothes; they told me there's a party tonight!" What? She will attend?!

"It's for businessmen and politicians!" I narrowed my eyes.

She shrugged her shoulders. "So! I still could go! I'm your girl!" She winked and rushed away to the suite. I don't know why I didn't believe her. It was as if she was hiding something. I wonder if fate bumped her into my path or she planned for meeting me!

I finished some meetings and fired some of the employees. I made some calls. I forgot about the breakfast and the lunch because I was so busy.

I was surprised by Selena who stormed into my office and placed her hands on her waist, interrupting my meeting "So, do you think that I'm a slave?!" she murmured.

I widened my eyes, flabbergasted at her reaction. "What?!" I gestured to all my men to go out. At least there wasn't any businessman with me because her attitude could make my reputation go down.

She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. "I didn't eat anything, I'm hungry! If this is the kind of relationship you are talking about, then I prefer to be single!"

"Why didn't you eat anything?!" I raised my brows in curiosity.

Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2


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