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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1346

Around 10 in the morning, Edwards Wayne's convoy stopped at the entrance of the newly established company hall. Assistant Larry came down with a few bodyguards and blocked the door of the car, causing Edwards Wayne to walk down with his back bent. When the company's higher ups saw the young and sharp boss appear, all of them stood up straight with their chests out.

Edwards Wayne was only here to show up. On the two sides of the hall, there were a few media reporters who had been invited. Seeing Edwards Wayne's appearance, Larissa Reed's expression became excited as that low—key, calm man slowly walked over.

Maybe, being obsessed with someone could make them happy, Larissa Reed realized that in the process of chasing after Edwards Wayne, her obsession with him had deepened, and even the feeling in her heart had become crazier.

Now, even when she dreamed at night, she could dream of this man. She could dream of him softly whispering love words to herself. She could dream of her being tightly embraced by him on the snowy streets.

This kind of dream was beautiful, but cruel when one woke up.

Larissa Reed didn't know what this feeling was, but she might have really fallen for this man. She used to treat him as a quest to get close to him, but once she touched him, it was like she was addicted to drugs.

Edwards Wayne smiled faintly as he walked over from the center of the red carpet. When Larissa Reed reacted, she realized that she had stood there in a daze, as if she had forgotten what she was doing here.

Edwards Wayne stood in the center, accompanied by over a dozen higher—ups, using scissors to cut the ribbon. He had a professional smile on his face, and looked friendly, but from a distance, besides the people that he was close to, no one else seemed to be able to walk over to his side and say a word to him.

Regardless of whether it was money or status, he gave people this strange feeling of distance.

When Edwards Wayne bought the company, something bad had happened. After the other party obtained the funds, he felt that the amount of funds he had to pay was too little, and he had to go to court twice with Edwards Wayne's company, causing it to not have much of an impact during this period of time. Thus, he invited the reporters to report about this matter.

The press conference was a meeting room on the first floor. Edwards Wayne and a few senior executives were seated, and beside them were a few serious—looking bodyguards. The atmosphere was strict, and no one dared to act rashly.

The reporter sat on the opposite side of the table. Today, Larissa Reed was dressed in her professional attire with a faint makeup. She smiled at Edwards Wayne and introduced herself once again.

Edwards Wayne had long since noticed her, he never thought that this woman would actually become a journalist.

The first few questions were all about the details of the previous dispute, and Edwards Wayne answered them, or the higher ups beside him replied with a question and answer, explaining the previous dispute clearly. Only then did everyone understand the reason, and that was because the boss's wife had lost several hundred million on a gamble, and wanted to take the chance to earn back some debt from Edwards Wayne.

Larissa Reed also asked a few very standard questions, she made Edwards Wayne talk about the direction of the company's future development, and also some views on the current political situation.

When Edwards Wayne answered, she looked at him without blinking, with a deep emotion in her eyes.

The more one understood a person, the more outstanding they were, the more one would become addicted to them.

Larissa Reed had always felt that the men were all shallow to look at the appearance of women, but Edwards Wayne gave her a different feeling. His gaze never stopped on any women's faces for more than half a second, which meant that this man was truly not interested.

His eyes were firm and indifferent the entire time. Only occasionally did they reveal a sharp and stern expression.

Edwards Wayne stood up and was about to leave, when Larissa Reed's expression became anxious. In the end, she urgently asked a question: "Mr. Wayne, I heard that you and Mr. Vice—President have been schoolmates for many years, would you join his faction because of this friendship?"

Edwards Wayne's footsteps paused, just which unscrupulous media reporter would dare to openly ask him about such a sensitive political topic?

"Ms. Reed!" Some of the reporters were trembling in fear, because when they received the invitation to interview, they had already guaranteed that they would not come across any sensitive political topics in this interview, but now, Larissa Reed had actually boldly and directly asked about this matter, making it so that it was no wonder she was shocked.

Edwards Wayne turned his head, a cold look flashing past his eyes.


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