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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1394

Alvina realized that Joseph was really sincere to her, and helped her organize the information about some people he might meet in the future. Furthermore, he even carefully analyzed each of them, so as to make her walk fewer detours in his future work, and avoid coming across more minefields, just arranging such a large amount of information was already a painstaking task. Now, with Joseph accompanying her, talking for the past two hours, any man who wasn't truly in love with her, would definitely not have this kind of patience.

When everything was finished, Alvina's mouth was parched and he quickly drank from his cup.

Joseph looked at her with a gentle face and asked: "Have you remembered all that I've said?"

"I've memorized most of it, but some of it will still be forgotten!" Alvina could only tell her the truth. After all, although her memory was good, it would still be difficult for her to remember these things.

"It's fine. It's good to remember some of it. If you don't understand it in the future, you can ask me!" Joseph laughed gently, and did not force her to become a good student that was earnestly listening to his lecture.

"Joseph, did you prepare all of these for me? It must have taken you a long time, right? " Alvina said while looking at him emotionally.

"No matter how much time it takes, I hope you have the ability to protect yourself." Joseph said softly.

Alvina immediately turned around and threw himself into his embrace, hugging him tightly while kissing his neck with his lips. "Joseph, thank you.

"You don't have to thank me. All of this is something that I should do for you." Joseph's slightly stiff arm then gently landed on her back. She lightly patted it and warmly answered.

"No, nothing is right. You did this because you were kind to me!" Alvina's eyes reddened again. How lucky was she to meet such a good man? It made her want to spend her entire life loving him.

"Alright, I'm just helping you point out the rocks in front of you, and you're already moved to this dgree?" Joseph felt that doing all this was natural, but it touched her and made her cry. He felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Only then did Alvina sit up from his embrace, and blinked her eyes somewhat embarrassedly, to the point of trying to hold back his tears. Indeed, why did he appear so weak and lacking in love, and how could this man laugh at his?

"What do you want to do now that we have a few hours of free time?" Joseph's expression became lazy, this rare relaxation, made him smile.

"You decide? My mind is in a mess right now, so I can't think of any tricks." Alvina was still digesting what he had just said.

"How about we watch a movie together? Couples seem to prefer to get together to watch movies and listen to songs!" Joseph proposed with a smile.

"You mean, accompany me to the cinema?" Alvina's beautiful eyes lit up slightly.

Joseph's handsome face froze for a moment, and after a moment of hesitation, he suddenly grabbed her waist: If you want to go, I can accompany you!

"Isn't this too inconvenient? Your identity is a little special. “Although Alvina really wanted to follow him to the cinema to watch a movie, he felt uneasy. He wasn't an ordinary person.

"There's nothing inconvenient about it. If we dress up, no one will be able to recognize us." But Joseph was determined, after all, he had been her boyfriend for so long, he did not even have the chance to go shopping with her, and now, it was just a movie, no matter what, he had to satisfy her.

"Then let's go now." Alvina was also extremely looking forward to the day where he could sit in the cinema with him hand in hand.

Joseph took out his cell phone and called Lieutenant Hilton. He asked him to go and arrange this matter, including buying and selling movie tickets, for him to decide.

"Sir, is this appropriate?" Lieutenant Hilton had a shocked expression. He obviously did not expect that Mr. Vice—President would want to have a romantic time too.

"Zoey should have recovered from injuries, go with her." Joseph suddenly laughed and said.

Warren's face heated up. In the end, he said gratefully, "Thank you, Sir. I will go and arrange it now."

After hanging up, Alvina looked at him with his beautiful eyes smiling: "Do you know something?"

"What?" Joseph asked despite knowing the answer.


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