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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1463

Hearing the word engagement, Joseph and Alvina's expression turned dark for a moment. In the next second, they looked at each other, causing Alvina to immediately lower her head in embarrassment, pretending to not care about this matter.

"What do you think about that? Your grandpa wants me to get engaged before the election." Joseph asked her in a low voice.

"My grandpa put in a lot of effort!" Alvina sighed. Her grandfather must be afraid that Joseph would break his promise and not take her as his wife after the general election. How could she not know that grandfather had strongly requested for the Grant family to get engaged to her?

"Your grandfather truly loves you!" Joseph reached out and held her small hand.

Alvina subconsciously tried to struggle free, but the man held on tighter, not allowing her to pull away.

"Shame on you!" When the atmosphere became thick, a laugh was suddenly heard. Wendy covered her eyes with her hands and said angrily: "Big brother. I am not a adult. Can you guys hold on a little?"

With that, Alvina shook the man's hand off, and Joseph could only helplessly give up. His handsome eyes looked at his younger sister with dissatisfaction: "Knowing that you're underage, stop reading romance novels. Look at the things that are piled up in your room!"

"Brother, I read love novels to increase my EQ. If a woman's EQ is too low, her happiness rating will drop significantly. If you don't believe me, ask sister—in—law. She must have read love novels before." Wendy didn't mind how big of a problem this was, she wanted to drag Alvina down with her no matter what. After all, her brother would not scold her.

Alvina didn't know whether to laugh or cry and looked at the siblings innocently. She didn't expect that at home, Joseph would be such a serious brother.

Joseph turned his head back and looked at Alvina with a serious expression as he asked softly, "Are you reding it too?"

Alvina didn't want to get involved with the battle between the two siblings, but her EQ was still not low. She knew that she could not offend her future sister—in—law. She nodded seriously, "Yes. I have read a lot. "

Wendy stuck out her tongue at Joseph: "Did you see that? Sister—in—law must have learned quite a few things from those love novels. It's pretty useful. Furthermore, what we saw were all serious novels."

Joseph realized that his mouth could not speak for these two unreasonable people, and could only stand up: "I'm going to take a bath, why don't you guys talk about love novels?"

Wendy was finally able to win by a bit, and couldn't help but feel proud: "It's really good to have Sister—in—law here, even my big brother wouldn't dare to educate me anymore!"

Alvina looked at Wendy. This girl was cute and smart. She was afraid that Joseph would be worried too in front of this little sister who loved to play around.

After Joseph left, Alvina and Wendy no longer had any targets to attack and stared at each other for a while.

"Sister—in—law, how old are you this year? You look so small." Wendy immediately asked about it.

"I'm going to have my 23rd birthday next month. I am not small anymore!" Alvina replied with a smile.

"Un, Sister—in—law, it must be hard for you to fall in love with my brother. According to my mother, you have been cooperating with my brother's actions. My brother's acting skills are unquestionable, but you are a young girl, it will be difficult for you to play with him." Wendy was still sensible. Other than occasionally being mischievous, she was still considerate.

"Your brother takes good care of me, don't worry!" Alvina's eyes were filled with gentleness. Thinking of this man's constant protection and care, she felt her heart warm.

"That's good, I was really afraid that you would be scared away by my brother. You don't even know. Ever since my brother became the Vice—President, there have been many people who came to our house to discuss marriage. There are also many people who came with their elders to eat. Those girls are all very confident. When they see my brother, they put on an act. I feel uncomfortable for them. You are different! Wendy couldn't help but start gossiping, of course, she also wanted to say anything to liven up the atmosphere.

"Is that so?" Alvina's beautiful eyes were startled. Joseph had never mentioned this to her before, but he never thought that he would experience such a thing.

"Yes. My brother told me about your first meeting. I admire you. How did you think of such a fun thing?" Wendy immediately supported her chin, looking as if she wanted to hear her story.

Alvina was drinking her tea and nearly spurted it out when she heard her mention her embarrassing past.

She quickly wiped the tear at the corner of her mouth with an awkward expression. "Why did your brother tell you about this? I just wanted to save myself at that time and didn't think about anything else."


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